Africa Portuguese Bibliographies Portuguese Colonialism

Africa. Bibliography of Portuguese Colonial History 16th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster.



– Various Authors “Portugaliae Monumenta Africana” 500+608 pp. 2 vols., Casa da Moeda, 1993-1995, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Fernandes, J. M. “Luís Benavente e as fortalezas de África (1956-1973)” In: “Oceanos” n° 28 Oct/Dec. 1996 pp. 41-52

– Madeira Santos, Maria Emília “Viagens de exploração ao terrestre dos portugueses em África” 422 pp. maps and illustrations, C.E.H.C.A. & I.I.C.T., 1988, Lisbon, Portugal. A very detailed work on the Portuguese explorations in Africa.

– Newitt, M. “Portuguese warfare in Africa: war as instrument of state and as way of life” Internet article.

– Valkhoff, M. F. “Miscellânea Luso-Africana: collectânea de estudos coligidos”, 1975, Lisboa, Portugal.


– Ferro, G. “Le navigazioni lusitane nell’Atlantico e Cristoforo Colombo in Portogallo” 254 pp. 7 maps Mursia 1984 Milan, Italy. The Portuguese discoveries in the Atlantic and the figure of Cristoforo Colombo in Portugal.

– Leitão, Humberto “As duas viagens de Cadamosto a África Ocidental 1455-1456” In “O Centro de Estudos Históricos Ultramarinos e as Comemorações Henriquinas” 1 – 20 pp. 1961, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Matos, Artur Teodoro de “As escalas do Atlântico no século XVI”, 29 pp. Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, 1988, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Mauro, F. “Le Portugal et l’Atlantique aux 17ème siècle, 1570-1690: étude économique” lviii + 550 pp. SEPVEN, 1960, Paris, France.

– Rainero, R. “La scoperta della costa occidentale d’Africa” 279 pp. 3 maps Marzorati Editore 1970 Milan, Italy. The relations of Gomes Eanes de Zurara, Diogo Gomes, Eustache de la Fosse, Valantim Fernandes and Duarte Pacheco Pereira.


– Bonne, J. and Redman, Ch. “Qsar es Seghir (Alcacer Ceguer): a 15th and 16th century Portuguese colony in North Africa” In STUDIA N° 41-42, pp. 5-50, 1979, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Boucharb, Ahmed “A importância de Safi no Império Comercial Português” In: Mare Liberum, Revista de História dos Mares Nº 7 , 1994, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Ahmed Bouchareb “Doukkala et l’occupation portugaise: Avant 1481 jusqu’à 1541”

– Carabelli, Romeo “Evolution des vestiges portugais: quelle intégration dans le Maroc contemporain ?”, PhD Thesis, Université François Rabelais”, Tours, France.

– Carabelli, Romeo “L’espace luso-marocain: le cas du quartier portugais d’El-Jadida”, Université François Rabelais”, 1993, Tours, France.

– Carabelli, Romeo “The changing role of Portuguese heritage along Morocco’s Atlantic coast” Seminar: I.G.U. (International Geographical Union) Regional Conference, 1998, Lisbon

– Carabelli, Romeo “Monuments historiques et territoire: l’héritage architectural lusitanien au Maroc” Nel quadro del programma di ricerca “Le(s) patrimoine(s) dans la ville: de la construction des savoirs aux politiques de sauvegarde”, 1997, Rabat, Maroc.

– Carabelli, Romeo “Le fortificazioni portoghesi in Marocco” Nel quadro del ciclo di incontri promosso dalla Sezione Lombardia dell’Istituto Italiano dei Castelli, Museo della Fabbrica del Duomo, 1997, Milano, Italia.

– Carabelli, Romeo “Mazagão, un fossile vivant” 15 pp. In: Séminaire Réseaux Architectures Exportés, 1995, Tours, France.

– Carabelli, Romeo “Sulla presenza portoghese lungo la costa atlantica del Marocco” In: Studi Castellani Lombardi – I quaderni della Sezione Lombardia n° 7, pp. 9-18, Istituto Italiano dei Castelli, 1998, Roma.

– Carabelli, Romeo “La valeur des faits patrimoniaux dans le contexte de l’héritage portugais au Maroc” In: Atti del colloquio “Les patrimoines dans la ville” 11 pp., I.R.M.C. – URBAMA – I.N.A.U.

– Carabelli, Romeo “Processus de “patrimonialisation” des constructions d’origine portugaise au Maroc” 11 pp. In: Atti del Colloquio GRERBaM – U.E.E.M. MED CAMPUS, 1995.

– Carabelli, Romeo “Evolution et perception des vestiges portugais: vers une intégration dans le Maroc vivant” 16 pp. In: Atti del Colloquio GRERBaM – U.E.E.M. MED CAMPUS, 1994.

– Carvalho, Vasco de “La domination portugaise au Maroc du XVème au XVIIIème siècle 1415-1769” Editions SPN, 1942, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Dias Farinha, A. “Historia de Mazagão durante o período filipino”, in: STUDIA N° 26, pp. 179 – 346 and STUDIA N° 27, pp. 281 – 424, 1969, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Dias, Pedro “As fortificações portuguesas da cidade magrebina de Safi” In: “Oceanos” n° 28 Oct/Dec. 1996 pp. 10-22

– Figanier, Joaquim “História de Santa Cruz do Cabo de Gué (Agadir) 1505-1541”, AGC, 1945, Lisboa, Portugal.

– Goulven, Joseph “La Place de Mazagão sous la Domination Portugaise (1502-1769)”, 1917 , Paris, France.

– Goulven, Joseph “Safi – au Vieux Temps des Portugais” 1938, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Ladrón de Guevara, Adolfo “Arcila durante la ocupación portuguesa (1471-1549)”, Imprenta Africa, 1940, Tanger

– Lima, Durval Pires de “História da Dominação Portuguesa em Çafim, 1506-1542”, Imprensa Lucas, 1930, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Lopes, David “História de Arzila durante o Domínio Português (1491-1550 e 1577-1589)”, Imprensa da Universidade, 1925, Coimbra, Portugal.

– Lopes D. “A expansão em Marrocos” 99 pp. Editorial Teorema 1989, Lisbon, Portugal. It’s the first chapter of the “História da Expansão Portuguesa no Mundo” by A. Baião, H. Cadade and M. Murias.

– Monod, Th. “L’ile d’Arguin (Mauritanie), essai historique”, 327 pp. 5 maps IICT e CECA 1983 Lisboa, Portugal. Detailed research on Arguin castle history.

– Sanceau, E. “Castelos em Africa” (Morocco) 437 pp. 1 map Livraria Civilizaçao 1961 Porto, Portugal. The history of the Portuguese castles in Morocco.

– Vogt, J. “Saint Barbara’s legion: Portuguese artillery in the struggle for Morocco 1415-1578” In: “An expanding world” vol. n° 24 “Warfare and empires” pp. 73-79 Ashgate Variorum, 1997 In: “Military Affairs XLI” pp. 176-182 Society for Military History, 1977, Lexington, VA, USA.


– Various Authors “História Geral de Cabo Verde” Vol.1° 478 pp. maps, C.E.H.C.A., I.I.C.T. & Direcção Geral do Património Cultural de Cabo Verde, 1991, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Barreto, João “História da Guiné, 1418-1918” 1938, Lisboa, Portugal.

– Boubacar, Barry “La Senegambie sous le monopole du commerce portugais au XV-XVI siècles” In STUDIA N° 47, pp. 229-244, 1989, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Boulegue, Jean “L’impact économique et politique des navigations portugaises sur les peuples côtiers. Le cas de la Guinée et du Cap Vert (XVème-XVIème siècles)” 10 pp. Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, 1988, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Boulegue, Jean “Les Luso-Africans de Sénégambie, XVIème-XIXème siècles”, 1972, Dakar, Senegal.

– Brooks, George E. “Luso-African commerce and settlement in the Gambia and Guinea-Bissau region” 1980, Boston, USA.

– Carreira, António “Os portugueses nos rios da Guiné, 1500-1900”, 1984, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Correia e Silva, António “A construção do Atlântico e as cidades-porto cabo-verdianas” In: “Oceanos” n° 41, 2000.

– Couto, Hildo Onório do “Creole and education in Guinea-Bissau”, Internet article. Universidade de Brasília

– Diop, M. Adama ” Caractère et signification spatio-temporal du patrimonie bâti lusitain en Sénégambie. XVème-XVIIème siècles”, in: Studia n°52, 1994, pp.24-48, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Garcia de Nolasco da Silva, Maria da Graça”Subsídio para o estudo dos Lançados na Guiné”, in: “Boletim Cultural da Guiné Portuguesa, XXV, pp. 25-40; pp. 217-232; pp. 395-420; pp. 513-560

– Hair, P.E.H. “Hamlet in an Afro-Portuguese Setting: New Perspectives on Sierra Leone in 1607”, in: History in Africa Vol. 5, 1978 pp. 21-42 The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.

– Madeira Santos, Maria Emília “As estratégicas ilhas de Cabo Verde ou a fresca Serra Leoa: uma escolha para a política de expansão portuguesa no Atlântico” 9 pp. Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, 1988, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Madeira Santos, Maria Emília “Os primeiros Lançados na costa da Guiné: aventureiros e comerciantes”, in: “Colóquio Cacheu: cidade antiga; IV centenário da fundação da cidade de Cacheu 1588-1988” November 1988, Cacheu; Guinea-Bissau.

– Mark, Peter “The evolution of ‘Portuguese’ identity : Luso-Africans on the Upper Guinea Coast from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth century” In: Journal of African History ; 40(1999)2 pp. 173-191

– Mark, Peter “Portuguese Architecture and Luso-African Identity in Senegambia and Guinea, 1730-1890” In: History in Africa Vol. 23, 1996 pp. 179-196 The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.

– Mark, Peter “A Cultural, Economic and Religious History of the Basse Casamance since 1500”, 136 pp. 4 maps Steiner, 1985, Wiesbaden, Germany.

– Mark, Peter “Constructing Identity: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Architecture in the Gambia-Geba Region and the Articulation of Luso-African Ethnicity”, in: History in Africa Vol. 22, 1995 pp.307-327 The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.

– Navik, Philip J. “Women and trade in the Guinea-Bissau region: the role of African and Luso-African women in trade networks from the early 16th to the mid-19th century”, in: “Studia” n° 52, 1994, pp.82-115, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Rodney, Walter, “Portuguese attempts at monopoly on the Upper Guinea Coast, 1580-1650” in: “An expanding world” vol. n° 25 “Settlement patterns in early modern colonization, 16th-18th century” pp.263-278 Ashgate Variorum, 1998 In: Journal of African History, VI, n° 3, 1965, pp. 307-322 Cambridge University Press, 1965, Cambridge,

– Silva Gonçalves, Nuno “The Jesuitas and the mission of Cape Verde 1604-1642”, 533 pp. Thesis Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1995.


– Various Authors “A Brazilian from afar” Internet article. The Agouda families and their relation with Brazil.

– Various Authors “Quem mandou incendiar São João Baptista de Ajudá ?” In: “Semanal Expresso Revista” 21-07-2001.

– Bato’ora Ballong -Wen-Mewuda, J. “São Jorge da Mina 1482-1637” 2 vols., 642 pp. Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian-C.N.p.l.C.d.D.P. 1993 Lisbon-Paris, A complete study on Elmina castle during the Portuguese period.

– Bato’ora Ballong-Wen-Mewuda, J. “A fortaleza de São Jorge da Mina: testemunho da presença portuguesa na costa do Golfo da Guiné do século XV ao século XVII”, in: “Oceanos” n° 28 Oct/Dec. 1996 pp. 27-39

– Blake, John W. “O Castelo de São Jorge da Mina or Elmina Castle – Reflections on its History Under the Portuguese Arising from Some Recent Advances in Knowledge”, in: “Vice-Admiral A. Teixeira da Mota: In Memoriam”, vol. I, 391-404 pp. Academia da Marinha/ IICT, 1988, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Castanheira, J. P. “Aqui començou o fim do império: São João Baptista de Ajudá”, in: “Semanal Expresso Revista” 21-07-2001.

– Chrystello Tavares, A. J. “Marcos fundamentais da presença portuguesa no Daomé”, 277 pp., Universitária Editora, 1999, Lisbon.

– Correia, Pupo “As aspirações dos Portugueses no Daomé” 8 pp. Separata do número 62 de “Portugal em África”, Editorial Liam, 1954, Lisbon.

– Decorse, Christopher “An Archaeology of Elmina : Africans and Europeans on the Gold Coast, 1400-1900” It will be published in July 2001, Smithsonian Institution Press, 2001

– Ephson, I. S. “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)” 112 pp. 18 ills. Ilen Publications 1970 Accra, Ghana Index: The origins; location of the forts and castles; number of forts and castles; the tenants; unhappy incidents; gallant governors; problems of the forts and castles; no more forts and castles; cui bono; the surviving settlements.

– Giordano, Rosario “Religione e politica nel confronto tra missionari cattolici e brasiliani a Ouidah, 1861-1871”, in: “Africa” LIII, 2, 1998, pp. 239-257

– Iria, Alberto “Da fundação e governo do Castelo ou Fortaleza de São Jorge da Mina pelos portugueses e da sua acção missionária após o descobrimento desta costa”, in: STUDIA N° 1, pp. 26-69, 1958, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Law , R. “Trade and politics behind the Slave Coast: the lagoon traffic and the rise of Lagos, 1500-1800” In: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 27, Forster, R. “European and non- European societies, 1450-1800” Vol. 1 “The long duree, eurocentrism, encounters on the periphery of Africa and Asia” Ashgate Variorum, vol. n° 27; pp. 275-302 Also in “Journal of African History” vol. XXIV, 1983, pp. 321-348

– Lawrence, A. W. “Trade Castles and Forts of West Africa” 390 pp. 48 maps & 158 plates Jonathan Cape 1963 London, United Kingdom A detailed description of about 40 Europeans forts and castles from Arguin (Mauritania) to Whydah or Ouidah (Benin). Many illustrations and maps of the forts. Chronological history of the forts. Index: The place of the fort system in history; the setting of times; organization and personnel; life in the forts; relations between fort and town; types of building; materials and structure; early draughtsmen; Elmina castle: the Portuguese and later Dutch headquarters; other headquarters: Cape Coast Castle, Christiansborg, Princestown; early forts: Axim, Mouri, Cormantin, Gambia, Butre, Shama; forts about 1700: Akwida, Commenda, Dixcove, Apam, Sekondi, Beraku; forts of the late eighteenth century: Anomabu, Beyin, Keta.

– Mota, A. Teixeira da, “Duarte Pacheco Pereira – Capitão e Governador de S. Jorge da Mina” in: “Mare Liberum”, Revista de História dos Mares, n. 1, 1-28 pp. CNCDP, 1990, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Par Azo Vauguy “Expressions vivantes de la mémoire du Benin”, Internet article. Le Musée da Sylva des arts et de la culture de Porto-Novo; l’apport des afro-brésiliens au patrimoine culturel du Bénin; le Musée d’histoire de Ouidah: les vestiges de la traite négrière.

– Pezzoli, G. & Brena, D. “Forti e castelli di tratta” 50 pp. Centro Studi Archeologia Africana, 1990, Milano. A collection of several plates of European castles in Africa.

– Sarmento, A. “Portugal no Dahomé” 134 pp. Estudos Coloniaes, 1891, Lisbon.

– Teixeira da Mota, A. “Duarte Pacheco Pereira: Capitão e Governador de S. Jorge da Mina” In: Mare Liberum, Revista de História dos Mares N º1, pp. 1-27, 1990, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Van Dantzig, A. “Forts and castles of Ghana” Sedco, 1980, Accra, Ghana.

– Van Dantzig, A. and Priddy, B. “A short history of the forts and castles of Ghana”, 59 pp. map and ills. Liberty Press, 1971, Accra, Ghana. Index: The Portuguese period, Dutch penetration and the expulsion of the Portuguese, English Swedish and Danish penetration, growth of the English trade, the Brandenburg Company, the 18th century, the 19th century.

– Vasconcelos, Frazão de “A Fortaleza de S. Jorge da Mina” 14 pp., [2] pp. Mundo Português, 1934, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Vogt, J. “Portuguese rule on the Gold coast 1469 – 1682” 266 pp. 2 maps University of Georgia Press 1979 Athens, Georgia, USA Complete study on the Gold Coast during the Portuguese period.


– Various Authors “Elementos de história da Ilha de São Tomé” 127 pp., Centro de Estudos da Marinha, 1971, Lisbon.

– Batista de Sousa, Celso “São Tomé e Príncipe, do descobrimento aos meados do século XVI: desenvolvimento interno e irradiação no golfo da Guiné. 1473-1550”, 559 pp. 14 maps Universidade de Lisboa, 1990 Lisbon, Portugal.

– Garcia, Alberto C. “A ilha de São Tomé como centro experimental do comportamento do luso nos trópicos” in: STUDIA N° 19, pp. 209 – 221, 1966, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Garfield, Robert “A history of São Tomé island 1470-1655: the key to Guinea”, 327 pp. 18 maps and illustrations Mellen Research University Press, 1992, San Francisco, USA. Complete study on São Tomé island during the first Portuguese period. Index: Discovery and settlements 1470-1499, the era of the Donatarios 1499-1522, island and mainland 1500-1550, sugar and socety 1500-1550, politics power and riots 1524-1570, the church and the island 1532-1574, internal assaults 1574-1599, external attacks 1599-1610, economic and social decay 1580-1630, domestic violence 1610-1630, island under siege 1625-1641, the Dutch invasion and after 1641-1652, into the twilight São Tomé after 1650, note on São Tomé folk-dances, Rosário Pinto’s account of Amador’s revolt.

– Madeira, Teresa “Estudo morfológico da cidade de São Tomé no contexto urbanístico das cidades insulares atlânticas de origem portuguesa” Comunicação apresentada no Colóquio Internacional Universo Urbanístico Português 1415-1822, Coimbra, 1999, in: “Revista Urbanismo de origem portuguesa”, September 1999, revista do centro de estudos de urbanismo e arquitectura.

– Pereira de Araujo e Azevedo, Lucas “Memórias da Ilha de São Tomé”, in: Mare Liberum, Revista de História dos Mares N º 4, pp. 165-183, 1992, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Pereira de Melo, José Brandão “A fortaleza de António da Ponta da Mina na Ilha de Príncipe” 66 pp. Agência Geral das Colónias, Colecção pelo Império N° 95, 1943, Lisbon, Portugal. The history of the fortress of António da Ponta da Mina on Príncipe Island.

– Ratelband, “Os Holandeses no Brasil e na Costa Africana: Angola, Congo e S. Tomé, 1600-1650” 416 pp. Lisbon, 2003


– Birmingham, David “The Portuguese Conquest of Angola” 53 pp. Oxford University Press, 1965, London, United Kingdom.

– Boxer, Ch. R. “Salvador de Sá and the struggle for Brazil and Angola 1602-1686” 444 pp. Athlone Press, 1952, London, United Kingdom. The history of Salvador de Sá, and the Dutch/Portuguese war for Angola and Brazil. Index: Spanish marriage, the expedition of the vassals, the road to Potosì, governor of Rio de Janeiro 1637-1643, general of the Brazil fleets, Angola, the black mother, captain-general of the South, “a notable old stickler”.

– Cadornega, António de Oliveira de “História geral das guerras angolanas, 1680” 634+600+514 pp. 3 vols. Casa da Moeda, 1972, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Delgado, Ralph “Aspectos sociais e ecológicos de colonizaçao de Benguela” In “O Centro de Estudos Historicos Ultramarinos e as Comemorações Henriquinas” 21 – 31 pp. 1961, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Felner, Alfredo de Albuquerque “Angola: apontamentos sobre a ocupação e início do estabelecimento dos portugueses no Congo, Angola e Benguela” 593 pp. Imprensa da Universidade, 1933, Coimbra, Portugal.

– Moreira, Cecílio, “Fortalezas, fortes, fortins e fazendas fortificadas de Moçâmedes no Sul de Angola: subsídios para a história de Portugal em Angola” Separata Revista Africana, 8. pp. 184-214 Universidade Portucalense, 1991, Porto.

– Nobrega Moita, I. de “Os Portugueses no Congo 1482-1520” in: STUDIA N° 3, pp. 7-35, 1959, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Parreira, Adriano “A primeira conquista de Benguela” In: “Historia” vol. XII, n° 128; May 1990; pp. 65-68

– Radulet, Carmen “As viagens de Diogo Cão: um problema ainda em aberto” 17 pp. Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, 1988, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Radulet, Carmen “As viagens de descobrimento de Diogo Cão, nova proposta de interpretação ” In: Mare Liberum, Revista de História dos Mares Nº 1 , pp. 175-199, 1990, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Randles, W. G. L. “L’antico regno del Congo” 333 pp. maps, Jaka Book, 1979, Milan, Italy.

– Silva Rego, A. da “A dupla restauração de Angola 1641-1648” IX, 274pp. 1948, Lisboa, Portugal.

– Thorton, John “The development of an African Catholic Church in the Kingdom of Congo 1491-1750”, in: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 28; Cummins, J. S. “Christianity and Missions 1480-1800” Ashgate Variorum, vol. n° 28; pp. 237-257 Also in “Journal of African History” XXV, Cambridge, 1984, pp. 147-167

– Thorton, John “The art of war in Angola 1575-1680”, in: “An expanding world” vol. n° 24 “Warfare and empires” pp. 81-.99 Ashgate Variorum, 1997, in: “Comparative Studies in Society and History XXX” pp. 360-378 Society for Military History, 1988, Cambridge.

– Thornton, John “Early Congo-Portuguese Relations: A New Interpretation”, in: History in Africa Vol. 8, 1981 pp. 183-204 The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. South Africa:

– Raven-Hart, Major R. “Before van Riebeeck – Callers at South Africa from 1488 to 1652” viii+216 pp. 18 plates with 26 b/w illustrations, C. Struik (Pty.) Ltd., 1967, Cape Town. An account of travellers stopping at the Cape, drawing on much previously unpublished material found in log books and diaries from the Archives of Cape Town and The Hague,etc. 153 entries: from Bartholomeu Dias in 1488 to Jean-Baptiste Tavernier in 1649.

– Theal, G. McCall “The Portugese in South Africa with a Description of the Native Races Between the River Zambesi and the Cape of Good Hope During …”, map., T. Fisher Unwin, 1896, London, UK.


– Various Authors “People of Zanzibar: The Portuguese period. The Portuguese legacy”, Internet article.

– Various Authors “Documentos sobre os portugueses em Moçambique e na África central, 1497-1840. Documents on the Portuguese in Mozambique and Central Africa, 1497-1840” National Archives of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Centro de Estudos Históricos Ultramarinos, 1962-(1989), Lisbon. Includes indexes. “The sources have been drawn from archives and libraries in Portugal, Italy, France and other countries … Published in the original with an English translation. Contents: v. 1. 1497-1506.–v. 2. 1507-1510.–v. 3. 1511-1514.–v. 4. 1515-1516.–v. 5. 1517-1518.–v. 6. 1519-1537.–v. 7. 1540-1560.–v. 8. 1561-1588.–v. 9. 1589-1615.

– Abungu, J. “Forte Jesus de Mombaça: poder, autoridade, conflito” In: “Oceanos” n° 28 Oct/Dec. 1996 pp. 96-102

– Axelson, Eric “Portuguese settlement in the interior of South-East Africa in the seventeenth century”, 17, [1] p. ; Separata Actas Congresso Internacional de História dos Descobrimentos, 5, 1961, Lisboa.

– Axelson, Eric “South-East Africa, 1488-1530”, 306 pp., London 1940, United Kingdom

– Axelson, Eric “Portuguese in South-East Africa, 1488-1600” 276 pp., Struik, 1973, Cape Town, S.A.

– Axelson, Eric “Portuguese in South-East Africa, 1600-1700” x + 226 pp. Witwatersrand University Press, 1969, Johannesburg, S.A.

– Blanco, José “Mombaça: Portugal no Quénia”, in: “Semanal Expresso Revista” 13-04-2001.

– Boxer,Ch.R. – de Azevedo,C. “A fortaleza de Jesus e os Portugueses em Mombaça 1593-1729” 127 pp. 6 maps, Centro de Estudos Históricos Ultramarinos, 1960, Lisbon , Portugal. History of Mombasa under the Portuguese, description of Fort Jesus.

– Boxer, Ch. R. “Moçambique island and the Carreira da Índia” in: STUDIA N° 8, pp. 95 – 132, 1961, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Casal, A. Y. “A expansão marítima portuguesa no Índico e as transformações culturais ao norte de Moçambique. O caso Makwa”, in: “Oceanos” n° 34; Apr/Jun. 1998; pp. 142-150

– Ferreira, A. Rita “African kingdoms and alien settlements in Central Mozambique (c. 15th-17th Cent.)”, 172 pp., Departamento de antropologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 1999, Coimbra, Portugal.

– Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P. “Mombasa Rising against the Portuguese, 1631, from Sworn Evidence”, 166 pp. David Brown Bk. Co. 1980

– Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P. “The Portuguese on the Swahili Coast: buildings and language” in: STUDIA N° 49, pp. 235-253, 1989, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Garlake, P. S., ” Seventeenth century Portuguese earthworks in Rhodesia” In: “South African Arch. Bull.” n° 84, 1966, pp. 157-170

– Gray, J. “Early Portuguese Missionaries in East Africa”, 53 pp., illustrations, map, Macmilland and Co., 1958.

– Kirkman,J. “Fort Jesus: a Portuguese fortress on the East African coast” 327 pp. 38 maps, Oxford University Press, 1974 London, United Kingdom. Detailed description of Fort Jesus from an archeological point of view.

– Mc Pherson, K. “Uma história de duas conversões: deus, a cobiça e o desenvolvimento de novas comunidades na região do Oceano Índico ” In: “Oceanos” n° 34; Apr/Jun. 1998; pp. 74-85

– Nelson, W. A. “Fort Jesus of Mombasa” 84 pp. Canongate Press, 1994, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

– Newitt, M.D.D. “Portuguese settlement on the Zambezi: Exploration, Land Tenure & Colonial Rule in East Africa” 434 pp. Maps, illustrations & plates. Longmans, 1973, London, United Kingdom.

– Newitt, Malyn D.D. “A History of Mozambique” 679 pp., maps, Hurst and Company, 1995, London, United Kingdom.

– Newitt, M.D.D. “The Portuguese on the Zambesi from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century” In: “An expanding world” vol. n° 25 “Settlement patterns in early modern colonization, 16th-18th century” pp. 279-300 Ashgate Variorum, 1998 In: Race IX, n° 4, pp. 477-498 Institute of Race Relations, 1968, London, United Kingdom.

– Newitt, M.D.D. “The Portuguese on the Zambesi: a historical interpretation of the Prazo system” In: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 4; Disney, A. “Historiography of Europeans in Africa and Asia 1450-1800” Ashgate Variorum, vol. n° 4, 1995; pp. 155-173 Also in: “Journal of African History” vol.10, n°1, 1969, Cambridge, pp. 67-85

– Newitt, M. “O impacto dos portugueses no comércio, política e estruturas de parentesco da África Oriental no século XVI” In: “Oceanos” n° 34; Apr/Jun. 1998; pp. 62-72

– Njure, Njuguna S. “The Mission of the Order of St. Augustine’s Friars in Kenya, 1597-1698. Evangelization, Pastoral care and Martyrdom” Thesis, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, Roma, Italy.

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– Rajab al Zinjibari, Khatib M. “Islam and the Catholic crusade movement in Zanzibar” Index: Pre-Islamic era in Zanzibar; from Ethiopia to Zanzibar; Zanzibar in Muslim historiography; the origins of crusade in Zanzibar; the Portuguese motive in Zanzibar; Zanzibar Jihad for protection; Portuguese legacy in Zanzibar; Muslim liberation and Islamic revivalism.

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