Asia Oceania Portuguese Bibliographies Portuguese Colonialism

Asia Far East: China, Japan, Australia. Bibliography of Portuguese Colonial History 16th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster.



– Barnett, Cherry “The last outpost”, in: “History Today”, December 1999

– Barreto, L. F. “O estatuto de Macau (séculos XVI-XVII)”, in: “Oceanos”, n°32, October/December 1997, pp. 133-148.

– Basto da Silva, Beatriz, “Fortalezas extramuros, baluartes e fortins”, in: “Revista Macau”, n° 81, January 1999, Macau.

– Basto da Silva, Beatriz, “As fortalezas da cidadela”, in: “Revista Macau”, n° 80, December 1998, Macau.

– Boxer, Ch. R., “The great ship from Amacon 1555-1650”, 361 pp., 2 maps, Instituto Cultural de Macao, 1988, Macau. The history of the Portuguese-Japanese relations and the annual Japan voyages, with several documents.

– Boxer, Ch. R. “Portuguese Merchants and Missionaries in feudal Japan 1543-1640” ?, illustrations, Variorum Reprints, 1986, London, United Kingdom.

– Boxer, Ch. R., “The Christian Century in Japan, 1549-1650” ?, 535 pp., University of California Press, 1967, Berkeley, USA.

– Boxer, Ch. R., “A Fidalgo in the Far East, 1708-1726: António de Albuquerque Coelho in Macao” ?, 410 ? pp., Far Eastern Quarterly, 1946, [Tokyo].

– Boxer, Ch. R., “Fidalgos in the Far East, 1550-1770. Fact and Fancy in the History of Macao” ?, xii, 298 pp., 16 plates, M. Nijhoff, 1948, Den Haag, The Netherlands. (2nd edition, London-Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1968; tradução portuguesa: “Fidalgos no Extremo Oriente, 1550-1770. Factos e Lendas de Macau Antigo”, Macau: Fundação Oriente-Museu e Centro de Estudos Marítimos de Macau, 1990).

– Boxer, Ch. R., “South China in the sixteenth Century: Being the Narratives of Galeote Pereira, Fr. Gaspar da Cruz, O.P., Fr. Martin” ?, 388 pp., 8 maps, 12 b.w. plates, Haklut Society, 1953, London, United Kingdom. This volume contains three narratives describing South China as it appeared to Portuguese and Spanish visitors in the years 1550-1575.

– Boxer, Ch. R., “A Portuguese embassy to Japan, 1644-1647” ?, 64 pp., Kegan Paul, 1928, London, United Kingdom. The author retraces Siqueira de Sousa’s voyage to Japan in 1644.

– Braga, J.M., “The Western pioneers and their discovery of Macao” ?, 1949, Macao. For early Portuguese relations with China before the foundation of Macao.

– Dias, Jorge, “A perspectiva portuguesa do Japão”, in: “Boletim do Centro de Estudos Marítimos de Macau”, pp. 103-110, N° 2, January 1989, Macau.

– Fok, K. C., “Early Ming images of the Portuguese”, in: “An Expanding World”, Vol. n° 4. Disney, A., ” Historiography of Europeans in Africa and Asia 1450-1800″, Ashgate Variorum, vol. n° 4, 1995; pp. 113-125, also in: “Aspects in History and Economic History, sixteenth and seventeenth century” 1987, Stuttgart pp. 143-155.

– Fok, Kai Cheong, “Estudos sobre a instalação dos portugueses em Macau” ?, 118 pp., Gradiva, 1996, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Kirishima, K. “Le Japon à la mode portugaise”, in: Critique, N° XLIV, pp. 648-657. Editions de Minuit/Centre National des Lettres, 1988, Paris, France.

– Larroche, H., “Macao, cité ambiguë”, in: Critique N° XLIV, pp. 640-647, Editions de Minuit/Centre National des Lettres, 1988, Paris, France.

– Ljungstedt, Anders, “A Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China and of the Roman Catholic Church and Mission in China & Description of the City of Canton, 1836” ?, 280 pp., illustrations & maps, Viking Hong Kong Publications, reprint of the 1836 edition printed in Boston.

– Moisés Silva Fernandes, “Sinopse de Macau nas Relações Luso-Chinesas, 1945-1995” ?, Fundação Oriente, 2000, Lisbon.

– Moura, Francisco C., “Nagasaki, cidade portuguesa no Japão”, in: STUDIA N° 26, pp. 115 – 148, 1969, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Oliveira Marques (ed.), “História dos Portugueses no Extremo Oriente” ?, Lisbon —– , [s.n.], 1998.

– Prakash, Om, “Trade in a culturally hostile environment: Europeans in the Japan trade, 1550-1740”, in: “An Expanding World”, Vol. n° 10; Prakash, Om, “European commercial expansion in early modern Asia” pp. 117-128 Also in: “Clashes of culture: essays in honour of Niels Steensgaard”, Odense, 1992, pp. 245-254.

– Roderich Ptak, “Early Sino-Portuguese relations up to the Foundation of Macao”, in: Mare Liberum, Revista de História dos Mares Nº 4, 1992, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Santos Alves, Jorge dos, “From Malacca to Macau”, Revista Macau, 1997, Macau.


– Collingridge de Tourcey, George, “First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea: Being the Narrative of Portugese and Spanish Discoveries in the Australasian Regions, Between the Years 1492-1616, With Descriptions of their old Charts”, 136 pp., 34 illustrations and 24 maps, William Brooks & Co., (1895) 1906, Sydney, Australia.

– Fitzgerald, Lawrence, “Java La Grande: the Portugese Discovery of Australia ca. 1521”, xx + 140 pp., maps, The Publishers, 1986, Hobart, Australia.

– Mc Intyre K. G., “The Secret Discovery of Australia: Portuguese ventures 200 years before Captain Cook”, xxi – 427pp., maps, South Australia: Souvenir Press, 1977. This book deals with the author’s theory of Portuguese discovery of Australia.