Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster.
– Lannoy, Charles de and van der Linden, Herman. “Histoire de l’expansion coloniale des peuples européens. Portugal et Espagne (jusuq’au début du XIXe siècle)” ? VI-[2]-451 pp. 4 maps Henry Lamertin, 1907, Bruxelles, Belgium.
– Banciella, J. César, “Rutas del Imperio. Fernando Poo y Guinea” ? Victoriano Suárez, 1940, Madrid, Spain.
– Bravo Nieto, A. “Entre la tradición medieval y el cinquecento: los ingenieros italianos en Melilla” In: Viganò, M. “Architetti e ingegneri militari italiani all’estero dal 15 al 18 secolo” Sillabe, 1994 pp. 55-60
– Castro Antolìn, Mariano L. de, and Calle Munoz, Maria Luisa de la, “Origen de la colonización española en Guinea Ecuatorial (1777-1860)” ? Universidad de Valladolid, 1992, Valladoid, Spain.
– Labra, Rafael María de, “Nuestras colonias en Africa, Fernando Poo, Corisco, Annobón, Elobey, la Costa de Guinea” ? tip. de Alfredo Alonso, 1898, Madrid, Spain.
– Ortega Canadell, Rosa, “Provincias africanas españolas. Ifni, Sáhara, Fernando Poo y Rio Muni” ? Teide, 1962, Barcelona, Spain.
– Pélissier, René “Don Quichotte en Afrique. Voyages à la fin de l’Empire espagnol”
176 pp., Editions Pélissier, Orgeval, France.
– Pélissier, René “Spanish Africa – Afrique espagnole. Etudes sur la fin d’un Empire (1957-1976)”
224 pp., Editions Pélissier, Orgeval, France.
– Quilis, Antonio & Casado-Fresnillo, Celia “La lengua española en Guinea Ecuatorial” ? UNED, 1995, Madrid, Spain.
– Unzueta Y Yuste, A. “Geografía e historia de Fernando Poo” ? I.E. Africanos, 1947, Madrid, Spain.
– Chartrand, René “Los soldados de Nootka: tropas coloniales españolas en Canadá a finales del siglo XVIII”, Embajada de España en Canadá, internet article.
USA (California, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona):
– Various Authors “The California Missions” 320 pp. Sunset Pictorial Books, 1979, Menlo Park, California, USA.
– Bannon, John Francis “The Spanish Borderlands Frontier, 1513-1821” ? Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1970 New York, USA.
– Bolton, Herbert F. “Spanish Exploration in the Southwest, 1542-1706” ? Barnes and Noble, 1959, New York, USA.
– Chipman, Donald F. “Spanish Texas, 1519-1821” ? University of Texas Press, 1992, Austin, USA..
– Galli, Mark “Highlights of the California Missions” In: “Christian History” Issue 35, vol. XI, n° 3
– Habig, Marion Alphonse “Spanish Texas Pilgrimage: The Old Franciscan Missions and other Spanish Settlements of Texas, 1632-1821” ? Franciscan Herald Press, 1990, Chicago, USA.
– Henderson, Ann L., and Mormino, Gary R. (Editors) “Spanish Pathways in Florida: 1492-1992 Los Caminos Españoles en La Florida: 1492-1992” ? 364 pp. ills. Pineapple Press, 1991, Sarasota, USA. English and Spanish, essays on the influence of the Spanish in Florida from the first explorers to the latest Hispanic migrations into Miami.
– Kelsey, Harry “European impact on the California Indians 1530-1830” in: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 28; Cummins, J. S. “Christianity and Missions 1480-1800” Ashgate Variorum, vol. n° 28; pp. 256-276 Also in “The Americas” XLI, Washington, 1985, pp. 494-511
– Love, E. F. “Marriage patterns of persons of African descent in a colonial Mexico city parish” In: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 29; Nizza da Silva, M. B. “Gamilies in the expansion of Europe 1500-1800” pp. 279-291 Also in: “Hispanic American Historical Review” Vol. 51, 1971, pp. 79-91
– Lowery, W. “The Spanish Settlements within the Present Limits of the United States. Florida 1562-1574” ? 500 pp. Map. 1959, NY, USA.
– Weber, David J. “The Spanish Frontier in North America” 579 pp. Yale University Press, 1992, New Haven, USA.
– Cumins, J. S. “Jesuit and friar in the Spanish expansion to the East” ? 334 pp. 2 maps Variorum, 1986, London, UK. Contents: Introduction; Christopher Columbus: Crusader, visionary and servus Dei; The Dominican mission to Japan (1602-22) and Lope de Vega; Palfox, China and the Chinese Rites controversy; Labor in the colonial Philippines: The Discurso parenético of Gómez de Espinosa; Two missionary methods in China: Mendicants and Jesuits; Fray Domingo Navarrete: a source for Quesnay; The present location of the Pei-t’ang Library; Index
– Medina, Elizabeth “A hispanized Philippines: a good option ?” Internet article, March 2000.
– Morga, Antonio de “The Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan and China at the close of the 16th century” 431 pp. plates Hakluyt, 1868, London, UK. With notes and letter from Luis Vaez de Torres, describing his Voyage Through the Torres Straits by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley, it contains an account of de Legaspi’s voyage & discovery of the Philippines (1564-6), and Medana’s second voyage, as described by his pilot, de Quiros. With additional remarks on voyage and commentaries on the Moluccas, visit to Siam, Cambodia, to Japan and in China. Early notes on the Chinese in the Philippines. A marvelous primary resource.
– Pearson, M. N. “Spain and Spanish Trade in Southeast Asia” In: “Journal of Asian History” Vol. 2, 1968; pp. 109-129.
– Leupe, P. A. “De verovering van het fort La Sanctissima Trinidad op Formosa” ? 27 pp. Bijdragen Kon. Inst. 2e Volgr. dl. 2, 1859, NL.
– Yuan-mao, Wang & Wu, Ben “The story of Hung-Mao Cheng (Fort Santo Domingo)” Internet article.
– Various Authors “Correspondencia de D. Jeronimo de Silva con Felipe III, D. Juan de Silva, el Rey de Tidore y otros personajes, desde abril 1612 hasta febrero de 1617, sobre el estado de las islas Molucas” In: “Coleccion de documentos inéditos para la historia de España ” vol. n° 52, pp. 5-439, 1868. Madrid.
– Various Authors “Spain and the Moluccas galleons around the world. Spanyol dan Maluku galleon – galeon mengelilingi dunia” 126 pp. 1992, Indonesia.
– Argensola, Bartolomé Leonardo “Conquista de las islas Malucas” 372 pp. Ediciones Polifemo, 1992 (1609), Madrid, Spain. English edition: “The discovery and conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands” 260 pp. ills. 1708, London, UK. French edition: “Histoire de la conquête des îles Molucques par les espagnols, par les portugais, et par les hollandais. Amsterdam 1706” Sabin, 1947
– Belen Banas Llanos, Maria “Las islas de las especias. Fuentes etnohistóricas sobre las Molucas XIV-XX” 160 pp. Universidad de Extremadura, 2000, Cáceres, Spain.
– Ramerini, Marco “Le Fortezze Spagnole nell’Isola di Tidore 1521-1663” Index: 1 Introduzione. 2 I primi contatti degli spagnoli con l’isola di Tidore e il primo forte spagnolo. 3 Gli avvenimenti successivi. 4 I forti spagnoli dell’isola di Tidore, 1606-1663. 5 Difese della città del Re. 5.1 Lugar Grande De El Rey (Soa Siu) 5.2 Fuerte de los Portugueses (Fortaleza dos Reis Magos). 5.3 Tohula, Santiago de los Caballeros. 5.4 Sokanora. 6 Costa occidentale e costa nord dell’isola. 6.1 Marieco. 6.2 Marieco el Chico. 6.3 Tomanira. 6.4 Chobo. 6.5 Rume. Appendice: a Puli Caballo. b Capitani di Tidore (Fortezza di Santiago de los Caballeros).
– van der Wall, V. I. “De Nederlandsche oudheden in de Molukken” xx, 313 pp. with 3 folding maps and 155 illustrations on 93 plates. 1928, ‘s Grav., NL. pp. 227-275 Description of the 16th and 17th century Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish fortresses, graves, inscriptions and other monuments on the Moluccas. The monuments are described in their historical context, with emphasis on the history of the VOC.
– Wessels, C. “De Katholieke Missie in het Sultanaat Batjan (Molukken) 1557-1609” ? In: “Historisch Tijdschrift, year 8” 427 pp. 1929, Tilburg, NL. First attempt of a description of Portuguese & Spanish Roman-Catholic missionary progress in the Sultanate of Batjan (Moluccas).
– Wessels, C. “De Augustijnen in de Molukken, 1544-1546; 1606-1625” In: “Historisch Tijdschrift” n°13 pp. 44-59 Bergmans & Cie, 1934, Tilburg
– Wessels, C. “De katholieke missie in de Molukken, Noord-Celebes en de Sangihe-Eilanden gedurende de spaansche bestuursperiode 1606-1677” 141 pp. Drukkerij Henri Bergmans & Cie, 1935, Tilburg, NL.
– Various Authors “Obras Clásicas para la Historia de Filipinas” Antonio Molina Memije (compilador) CD-Rom Fundación Histórica Tavera, 1998, Espana. In this CD-Rom there are the following books:
– Alacazar, José de “Historia de los dominios españoles en Oceanía: Filipinas” J. Atayde y Comp., 1895, Manila pp. II+190+11 -Blanco Herrero, Miguel “Política de España en ultramar” Sucesores de Ribadeneyra,1888, Madrid pp. XVI+606 -Buzeta, Manuel; Bravo, Felipe “Diccionario geográfico, estadístico, histórico de las Islas Filipinas [2 vol.]” [1850?], Madrid pp. 1065-1805 -Combés, Francisco “Historia de Mindanao y Joló” W.E. Retana, 1897 , Madrid pp. 465-1064 -Comyn, Tomás de “Estado de las islas Filipinas en 1810” Imprenta de Repullés, 1820, Madrid pp. 519 -Fernandez de Navarrete, Martín “Colección de los viajes y descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los españoles [2 vol.: IV y V]” Imprenta Nacional, 1837, Madrid pp. 29 -Gayo, Fr. Jesús, O.P. “Discurso leído en la solemne apertura del curso académico 1950-1951” UST. Press, 1950, Manila pp. XVII+217 -Martin Cerezo, Saturnino “El sitio de Baler: notas y recuerdos” Antonio G. Izquierdo, 1911, Madrid pp. 207 -Montero y Vidal, José “Historia general de Filipinas: desde el descubrimiento de dichas islas hasta nuestros días [3 vol.]” [s.n.] 1887-1895, Madrid pp. LVI+512 -Moya y Jiménez, Francisco Javier de “Las islas Filipinas en 1882: Estudios históricos, geográficos, estadísticos y descriptivos” Imprenta de la Sucesora de M. Minuesa de los Ríos, 1883, Madrid pp. CXLIV+802 -Navarro, Eduardo “Documentos indispensables para la verdadera historia de Filipinas [2 vol.]” Imprenta del asilo de huérfanos, 1908, Madrid pp. 476+18 -Pigafetta, Antonio “Primer viaje en torno del globo” Espasa-Calpe, 1927, Madrid pp. VI+363 -Retana, W. E. “Archivo del bibliófilo filipino [4 vol.]” Imprenta de la viuda de M. Minuesa de los Ríos, 1895 , Madrid pp. XVI+530 -Retana, W. E. “Aparato bibliográfico de la historia general de Filipinas [3 vol.: Volumen 1: (Años 1529-1800); Volumen 2: (Años 1801-1886); Volumen 3: (Años: 1887-1905 — 1811-1905)]” Imprenta de la Sucesora de M. Minuesa de los Ríos, 1906, Madrid pp. XLV+XCVIII+463 -Retana, W. E. “Vida y escritos del Dr. José Rizal” Librería general de Victoriano Suárez, 1907, Madrid pp. 606 -Sastron, Manuel “Insurreción en Filipinas” [s.n.], 1901, Madrid pp. XVI+512 -Torres y Lanzas, Pedro “Catálogo de los documentos relativos a las islas Filipinas existentes en el Archivo de Indias de Sevilla: Tomo I: (1493-1572)” Compañía de Tabacos General de Filipinas, 1925, Barcelona pp. 663 -Vergara, Francisco-Engracio “La masonería en Filipinas: Estudio de actualidad: Apuntes para la historia de la colonización española en el siglo XIX” [s.n.], 1896, París pp. VIII+277
– Abad, Antolín “Los franciscanos en Filipinas (1578-1898)” ? In: “Revista de Indias” N° 97-98 Vol. XXIV pp. 411-444 Fernández de Oviedo. CSIC, 1964, Madrid, Spain.
– Blair, Emma Helen & Robertson, James A. “The Philippine Islands 1493 – 1898” CD-Rom BPI Foundation Inc., 2001, Manila, Philippines.
– Chaunu, P. “Les Philippines et le Pacifique des Ibériques (XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe siècles). Introduction méthodologique et indices d’activité” ? 302 pp. Thesis 1960, Paris.
– Colin, F. “Labor Evangélica” 3 vols. 1900-1903, Barcelona. Vol. I pp. xix+239+636 Vol. II pp. 725 Vol. III pp. 831
– Constantino, Renato “A History of the Philippines: From the Spanish Colonization to the Second World War” ? 459 pp. Monthly Review Press
– De La Costa “The Jesuits in the Philippines, 1581-1768” ? 702 pp. ills. maps Harvard University Press, 1967?, Cambridge.
– Dery, Luis Camara “The Kris in Philippine History: A Study of the Impact of Moro Anti-Colonial Resistance, 1571-1896” ? 248 pp. self-published? 1997,
– Doeppers, Daniel F. “The development of the Philippine cities before 1900” In: “An expanding world” vol. n° 25 “Settlement patterns in early modern colonization, 16th-18th centuries” pp. 369-392 Ashgate Variorum, 1998 In: Journal of Asian Studies, XXXI, n° 4, pp. 769-792 Association for Asian Studies, 1972, Ann Arbour, MI, USA.
– Gallende, Pedro and Javellana, Rene B. “Great Churches of the Philippines” ??? 70 pp. Bookmark, 1996, Makati City, Philippines. A photographic record of churches in the Philippines: age, state of preservation and history. Ilocos Norte: Paoay, Laoag, Ilocos Sur: Vigan, Santa Maria, Santa Lucia, Isabela: Tumauini, Pampanga: Apalit, Betis, Bulacan: Barasoain, Angat, Metro Manila: San Sebastian, Malate, San Agustin, Las Piñas, Rizal: Tanay, Morong, Cavite: Maragondon, Batangas: Taal, Laguna:. Paete, Majayjay, Quezon: Tayabas, Albay: Daraga, Capiz: Pan-ay, Cebu: Santo Niño, Carcar, Bohol: Baclayon, Loboc, Loon.
– Javellana, Rene B. “Fortress of Empire” ??? 209 pp. 1997, Makati City, Philippines.
– Laarhoven, Ruurdje “The Triumph of Moro Diplomacy : The Maguindanao Sultanate in the 17th Century” ? 267 pp. New Day Publishers, 1989,
– Manaligod Cruz, Jose “Tagalog Society under colonial rule 1600-1700” ? 156 pp. Unpublished Thesis PhD. Cornell University, 1999
– Morga, Antonio de, “Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas” 604 pp. Ediciones Polifemo, 1997, Madrid, Spain. An account of the history of the Spanish colony in the Phippines during the 16th century.
– Noguera, P. H. “Guia de fuentes manuscritas para la historia de Filipinas conservadas en Espana” Fundación Historica Tavera, 1998, Madrid
– Pastells, P. “Historia General de Filipinas” Tomo V, VI, VII Barcelona, Spain.
– Phelan, John Leddy “Pre-Baptismal instruction and the administration of Baptism in the Philippines during the sixteenth century” In: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 28; Cummins, J. S. “Christianity and Missions 1480-1800” Ashgate Variorum, vol. n° 28; pp. 139-159 Also in “The Americas” XII, Washington, 1955, pp. 3-23
– Phelan, John L. “The Hispanization of the Philippines: Spanish Aims & Filipino Responses, 1565-1700” ??? 240 pp.
– Prieto Lucena, A. M. “Filipinas durante el gobierno de Manrique de Lara, 1653-1663” xiv+163 pp. Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos de Sevilla, 1984, Sevilla, Spain.
– Regaldo Trota, Jose “Simbahan: Church Art in Colonial Philippines, 1565-1898” ? ills. 1991, Manila.
– San Agustin, Gaspar de “Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas (1565-1615)” LXIV+789 pp. Instituto Enrique Florez, 1974, Madrid, Spain.
– Serrano, Garcia “Report by Archbishop Garcia Serrano to Philip IV on religious affairs in the Philippines, 1622” From: Blair & Robertson “The Philippines Islands” vol. 20, pp. 226.248
– Simpson, Renate “Higher Education in the Philippines under the Spanish” ? In: “Journal of Asian History” Vol. 14, 1980; pp. 1-46.
– Tamon, Fernando Valdez “Report in which the strongholds, castles, forts and garrisons of the Philippine Islands are listed” ? 276 pp. Santander Investment (1995?) In 1735 the Spanish king wanted to know the state of the garrisons and fortresses existing in the Philippines. Governor Vales Tamon did such a report, which was reprinted to celebrate the IV Centenary of Manila. This coffee table book includes the historical background, the transcription of the manuscript in English as well as in the original Spanish. The book has facsimiles of the original documents, plans, and maps of the structures in Manila, Cebu, Cavite, Iloilo, Cagayan, Capis, Ilocos, etc., with wonderful full-color prints, maps and illustrations.
– Whinnom, Keith “Spanish Contact Vernaculars in the Philippine Islands” ? 144 pp. Books on Demand
– Zaragoza, Ramon “Old Manila” ? 77 pp. Oxford University Press, 1997, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
– Various Authors “The early history of Chavacano de Zamboanga, 1635-1718” Internet article.
– Gomez Rivera, G. “Estadísticas: español en Filipinas” Internet article.
– Gomez Rivera, G. “El idioma criollo de Filipinas” Internet article.
– Redmond, N. “El fracaso del español y el éxito del inglés en las Filipinas: dos sistemas diferentes de planificación lingüística”, Internet article.
– Emerson, Terence B. “A brief history of Rota: the Spanish period” Internet article.
– Pélissier, René “Portugais et espagnols en Océanie. Deux empires: confins et contrastes”
154 pp., Editions Pélissier, Orgeval, France.
– Underwood, Robert A. “Commerce and culture of the Manila galleon: linking the Philippines, Guam, the Americas and Spain” Smithsonian Institution , May 14, 1998