Africa Dutch Colonialism

Africa. List of Dutch colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini


Arguin: (20°36’N – 16°27’W)

Netherlands: 1633 – 1 Sep. 1678

to France (1 Sep. 1678 – Sep. 1678)

abandoned (1678 – 1685)

to Brandenburg (5 Oct. 1685 – 9/10 Mar. 1721)

to France (10 Mar. 1721 – 11 Jan. 1722)

Netherlands: 11 Jan. 1722 – 20 Feb. 1724

to France (20 Feb. 1724 – Mar. 1728)

Monod “L’ Ile d’Arguin: essai historique”


Portudal (Porto d’Ale, Ale, Ali, Portadallia, Thies): (14°26’N – 17°01’W)

Netherlands: factory

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Rufisque (Rufisco, Rio Fisco, Rio Fresco, Ru-fisco): (14°43’N – 17°16’W)

Netherlands: factory

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Joal: (14°11’N – 16°51’W)

Netherlands: factory

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Goeree Island (Goree Island): (14°39’N – 17°28’W) Fort Nassau, Fort Orange.

Netherlands: 1617 or 1621 – 1663

to the English (1663 – 24 Oct. 1664)

Netherlands: 24 Oct. 1664 – 1677

to the French

Brena – Pezzoli “Forti e castelli di tratta”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and on the Wild Coast 1580 – 1680” p. 379


Tasso Island: (circa 08°34’N – 13°05’W)

Netherlands: 1664 destroyed by Admiral De Ruter

Brena – Pezzoli “Forti e castelli di tratta”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and on the Wild Coast 1580 – 1680” p. 379

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p. 45


Cape Mount: circa (06°45’N – 11°22’W)

Netherlands: ? fort –

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.


Cape Apollonia (Benyin): (English: Fort Apollonia)

Netherlands: 1655 fortified factory –

Netherlands: 16 factory – 16

British: 1768 – 1868 by treaty to the Netherlands

Netherlands: 1868 – 1872 to the English

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Nørregård “Danish settlements in West Africa 1658-1850”

Abacqua (Duma or Egwira): (05°02’N – 02°12’W) (at the confluence of Ankobra and Duma rivers, where the Portuguese had built Fort Duma) Fort Ruychaver

Netherlands: Jul./Aug. 1654 – 1659

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740” p. 97

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)” p. 90

Mouth of Ankobra: (04°54’N – 02°16’W) Fort* Elise Carthago

Netherlands: 1650 custom house –

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740” * the fort was never built, “Elise Carthago” was only a lodge.

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)”

Axim: (04°52’N – 02°15’W) Fort Santo Antonio

Netherlands: Feb. 1642 – 1664

to the English (1664 – 1665)

Netherlands: 1665 – 1872

to the English

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Ch. R. Boxer “The Dutch in Brazil 1624-1657” Claredon Press 1957 Oxford.

J. Vogt “Portuguese rule on the Gold Coast 1469-1682” Univ. of Georgia Press 1979 Athens.

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)”

Poquefoe or Pokesu (Princess Town): (04°47’N – 02°08’W) Fort Hollandia (Gross (Groot) Friedrichsburg)

Brandenburg (1 January 1683-1720/1725)

1720-1725 John Couny

Netherlands: 1725 fort – 1814/1815 abandoned

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Akwida: Fort Dorothea

Brandenburg (Apr. 1684 – 1687*)

Netherlands: 1687* – 1698

Brandenburg (1698 – 1711)

Netherlands: 1711 – 1712

Brandenburg (Apr. 1712 – 1718) abandoned

Netherlands: 1732 – 1804 abandoned

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” (p.49 *1690) (P. 71 *1685)

Dixcove: (04°48’N – 01°57’W) Fort Metaal Kruis

British: 1693 – 1868 by treaty to the Netherlands

Netherlands: 1868 – 1872 to the English

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)”

Butri: Fort Batenstein

Swedish: 1650 fortified lodge –

Netherlands: 1656* – 1665

to the English (1665 – 166 )

Netherlands: 166 – 6 Apr. 1872

to the English

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p.46 p. 71 * 1598

Nørregård “Danish settlements in West Africa 1658-1850”

Takoradi: (04°53’N – 01°45’W) Fort Witsen

Swedish: 1653 fortified lodge

Danish: 1658 – Apr. 1659 abandoned

Netherlands: 1665 dismantled and destroyed

to the English (166 -166 )

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and on the Wild Coast 1580 – 1680” p. 379

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p.53

Nørregård “Danish settlements in West Africa 1658-1850”

Sekondi: (04°56’N – 01°43’W) (English Fort)

British: 1645 – 1782

Netherlands: 1782 – 1785 to the English (1785 -1820)

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)”

Sekondi: (04°56’N – 01°43’W) Fort Oranje

Netherlands: 1640 or 1670/75 fort – 1872

to the English

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Shama: (05°00’N – 01°39’W) Fort San Sebastian

Netherlands: 1637* – 1664

to the English (1664)

Netherlands: 1664 – 1872

to the English

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa”

J. Vogt “Portuguese rule on the Gold Coast 1469-1682”

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)” p. 87.

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p.46 * 1640

Komenda: Fort Komenda (English Fort)

British: 1663 factory, 1686 fort – 1816 abandoned (1868 by treaty to the Netherlands)

Netherlands: 1868 – 1872

to the English

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)” p. 87.

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa”

Komenda: Fort Vredenburgh

Netherlands: 1688 fort – 1782

to the English (1782 – 1785)

Netherlands: 1785 – 1872 (abandoned 1804)

to the English

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)” p. 87.

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p.49

Elmina: (05°05’N – 01°21’W) Fort Elmina, Fort Conraadsburg or St. Jago, Fort de Veer (1810/1811), Fort Naglas (1828), Fort Java (1828), Fort Scomarus (1828), Fort Batenstein (1828).

Netherlands: 28/9 Aug. 1637 – 6 Apr. 1872

to the English

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Ch. R. Boxer “The Dutch in Brazil 1624-1657” Claredon Press 1957 Oxford.

J. Vogt “Portuguese rule on the Gold Coast 1469-1682” Univ. of Georgia Press 1979 Athens.

I. Ephson “Ancient forts and castles of the Gold Coast (Ghana)” p. 32, 36, 86.

Cape Coast, Cabo Corço or Oguaa (Swedish name: Carolusborg or Carlsborg): (05°06’N – 01°15’W)

About this castle the data are not coincided.

Portuguese, English and Dutch had trading lodges in Cape Coast, but when the Swedish arrived they were unoccupied.

Swedish: Apr. 1650 fort Carolusborg – Jan./Feb. 1658

Danish: Jan./Feb. 1658 – 16 Apr. 1659

Netherlands: 16 Apr. 1659- May 1659

#Fetu occupation# May 1659 – 10 Dec. 1660

Swedish; 10 Dec. 1660 – 22 Apr. 1663

Netherlands: 22 Apr. 1663 – 3 May 1664

British: 3 May 1664 – 1957

According to Nørregård “Danish settlements in West Africa 1658-1850”

Netherlands: 1638 factory – ? abandoned

Swedish: the Swedes built the fort 1657

#Swedish occupation# (1657-1658)

#Danish occupation# (1658- Apr. 1659)

Netherlands: Apr. 1659-1659

#Fetu occupation# (1659 – 10 Dec. 1660)

#Swedish occupation# (10 Dec. 1660 – 1660)

#Danish occupation# (1660-1663)

#Fetu occupation# (1663-1663)

Netherlands: 1663-1664

#English occupation# (1664-1957)

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London. p. 198

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Cong (Cong Height): (05°06’N – 01°14’W)

Netherlands:  ? – 1659 abandoned

to the Danes (1659 – 24 Apr. 1661)

Netherlands: destroyed by the Dutch

Nørregård “Danish settlements in West Africa 1658-1850” p. 24

Mouri: Fort Nassau (1624)

Netherlands: 1598 or 1611/12 – 1664

to the English (1664 – 1665)

Netherlands: 1665 – 1782

to the English (1782 – 1785)

Netherlands: 1785 – 1867 (abandoned in 1816) (1867 by treaty to the English)

to the English

Brena – Pezzoli “Forti e castelli di tratta”

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London. p. 198

Cormantin (Abanzee, Abandzi, Cormantijn, Kormantin, Kormantine, Cormantin): Fort Amsterdam (1665)

British: 1631 – 1638 abandoned

British: 1645 – 1665

Netherlands: 1665 – 1721

to the English (1782 – 1785

Netherlands: 1785 – 1867 (abandoned in 1811/1816) (1867 by treaty to the English)

to the English

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and on the Wild Coast 1580 – 1680”


Netherlands: 1640 lodge –

Swedish: 1652 lodge – 1658

Danish: 1658 lodge –

Netherlands: lodge

British: 166 ? lodge –

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London. p. 198

Nørregård “Danish settlements in West Africa 1658-1850”

Egya (Aggia, Agga, Aga): Fort Goede Hoop

Netherlands: 1647 factory – ?

to the English (1663)

Netherlands: 1663 – 1664

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740

Apam: circa (05°18’N – 00°43’W) Fort Leydsaemheyt or Lijdzaamheid (Patience)

Netherlands: 1697/1698 – 1782

to the English (1782 -1785)

Netherlands: 1785 – 1868 (abandoned 1811) (1867 by treaty to the English)

to the English

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Senya Beraku: circa (05°26’N – 00°28’W) Fort Goede Hoop

Netherlands: 1667 or 1705/06 fort – 1782

to the English (1782 – 1785)

Netherlands: 1785 – 1867/68 (abandoned 1816) (1867 by treaty to the English)

to the English

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

A. W. Lawrence “Trade castles and forts of West Africa” Jonathan Cape 1963 London.

Ussher Town (Accra): (05°33’N – 00°12’W) Fort Crêvecoeur

Netherlands: 1649 – 1782

to the English (1782 – 1786)

Netherlands: 1786 – 1867 or 1868 (1867 by treaty to the English)

to the English

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Kpone: (05°41’N – 00°04’E)

Netherlands: 1697 factory – Apr. 1700

Netherlands: 1706 factory –

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Keta: (05°55’N – 00°59’E) Fort Singelenburgh

Netherlands: fort – 1737

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Kumase: (06°41’N – 01°37’W)

Netherlands: agency 1837-1842 1848-1853 1859-1869


Petit Popo or Klein Popo (Anecho or Aneho): (06°13’N – 01°35’E)

Netherlands: 1731 factory – 1760

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p. 71


Great Popo: (06°15’N – 01°44’E)

Netherlands: 1680 –

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815” p. 97

Ouidah (Fida, Whydah, Juda, Hueda): (06°21’N – 02°05’E)

Netherlands: 1670s. or 1687 lodge, fort ? – ?

Netherlands: 1702 – 1724 or 1726 abandoned

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Jaquim or Jakri (Godomey): (06°23’N – 02°21’E) Fort Zelandia

Netherlands: 1726 fort – 1734

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p. 71

Offra: circa (06°23’N – 02°21’E)

Netherlands: 1675 factory – 1691

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p. 71

Appa or Ekpé: circa (06°27’N – 02°37’E)

Netherlands: 1732 lodge – 1736 abandoned

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Savi (Sabee, Xavier, Savy, Savi): (06°25’N – 02°06’E)

Netherlands: factory

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Allada or Ardra: (06°39’N – 02°09’E)

Netherlands: factory

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”


Agathon (Agathon, Aggathon):


Benin: (06°20’N – 05°38’E)

Netherlands: 1705 – 1736

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p. 71

Badagri (Pattackerie): (06°25’N – 02°54’E)

Netherlands: 1737 – 1748

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p. 71

Epe: (06°35’N – 03°59’E)

Netherlands: 1732 – 1755

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680 – 1791” p. 71


Annobon: (01°24’S – 05°37’E)

Netherlands: 1641 – 164

to Portugal

Netherlands: 1665 – 16

to Portugal

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Goslinga “The Dutch in the Caribbean and on the Wild Coast 1580 – 1680”

Corisco Island



Mayumba (Majombo, Maiombo)



São Tomé: (00°22’N – 06°43’E)

Netherlands: 18 Oct. 1599 – 20 Oct. 1599

to Portugal (20 Oct. 1599 – 3 Oct. 1641 the town is lost, and 16 Oct. 1641 the fort is lost)

Netherlands: 3 Oct. 1641 the Dutch occupied the town, 16 Oct. 1641 the Dutch occupied the fort – 16

to Portugal

Garfield “A history of São Tomé Island 1470 – 1655, the key to Guinea”


Loango (Boary): (04°39’S – 11°48’E)

Netherlands: Dutch warehouses -1648

to Portugal

Netherlands: – 1686

Netherlands: 1721 – 1726 destroyed by the Africans.

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Ngoyo or G’oy: (04°50’S – 11°54’E)

Netherlands: trading lodge

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”


Sao Paulo de Luanda (Luanda): (08°49’S – 13°14’E) Fort Aardenburgh (Portuguese: Fortaleza de Sao Miguel or do Morro)

Netherlands: 26 Aug. 1641- 21/24 Aug. 1648

to Portugal

Boxer “Salvador de Sa and the struggle for Brazil and Angola 1602-1686”

Sao Felipe de Benguela: (15°35’S – 13°24’E)

Netherlands: Sept. 1641- 1648

to Portugal

Boxer “Salvador de Sa and the struggle for Brazil and Angola 1602-1686”

Pinda or Mpinda (Sonyo): (06°12’S – 12°24’E) (at the mouth of the Congo River)

Netherlands: warehouses & trading lodge – 1648

to Portugal

(in accordance with a manuscript of the Torre de Tombo, Lisbon, n° 1006 quoted in Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa” p.36)

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”

Ensandeira island: (09°20S – 13°10’E) (at the mouth of the Kwanza) Fort Mols

Netherlands: 1645/6-1648

to Portugal

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa” p.23

Boxer “Salvador de Sa and the struggle for Brazil and Angola 1602-1686”

Malemba (Malembo, Cabinda): (05°20’S – 12°11’E)

Netherlands: factory

Van Dantzig “Les Hollandais sur la cote de Guinee 1680-1740”

Postma “The Dutch in the Atlantic slave trade 1600-1815”


St. Helena Island: (15°22’S – 05°42’E)

Netherlands: Jan. 1673 – May 1673

to the English

Boxer “The third Dutch war in the East” in “Dutch Merchants and Mariners in Asia 1602-1795”


Kaapstad or De Kaap (Cape Town): (33°55’S – 18°26’E) Fort Sand (1647), Fort (wooden fort) (1652), Redoubt Kijckuit (1652), Redoubt Duinhoop (1652), Fort Goede Hoop (1666).

Netherlands: Mar. 1647 – 1648 abandoned

Netherlands: 1652 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

Netherlands: 1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Brena – Pezzoli “Forti e castelli di tratta”

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Stellenbosch: (33°55’S – 18°52’E)

Netherlands: 1679 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

Netherlands: 1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Drakenstein: (33°52’S – 18°59’E)

Netherlands: 1688 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Paarl: (33°43’S – 18°57’E)

Netherlands: 1688 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

Netherlands: 1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Franshhoek: (33°55’S – 19°07’E)

Netherlands: 1688 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

Netherlands: 1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Mossel Baai: (34°10’S – 22°07’E)

Netherlands: 1734 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

Netherlands: 1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Swellendam: (34°01’S – 20°26’E)

Netherlands: 17 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

Netherlands: 1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Tulbagh: (33°17’S – 19°09’E)

Netherlands: 17 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

Netherlands: 1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Graaff-Reinet: (32°18’S – 24°32’E)

Netherlands: 1786 – 1795

to the English (1795 – 1802)

Netherlands: 1802 – 18 Jan. 1806

to the English

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa”

Buffeljagsrivier [Buffeljagds Rivier, Buffeljagtrivier, Buffeljagts Rievier:

Constantia (Groot Constantia):

Dasseneiland (Dassen Eijlant):

Leeukop (Leeuwenkoop, Leeuwenberg, Leeuwencop):

Malmesbury (Zwartland):

Muizenberg (Muijsenburg, Muijzenburg, Muysenburg):

Riviersonderend (Revier Sonder Eind, Revier sonder End, Revier Sonder Endt):

Robbeneiland (Robben Eijland, Robbeneijland, Robbeneyland, Robbeneijlandt):

Saldanha (Saldanhabaaij, Saldanhabaij, Saldanhabay, Saldanhabhaij, Saldanhaijbai):

Seekoeivlei (Rietveld, Rietveldt, Rietvelt, Zeekoe Valleij):

Simon’ s Town (Simonsbaaij, Simonsbhaij, Simonsbhay):

Somerset West:

Vishoek (Vishoek):

Netherlands: -1790

Wynberg (Wijnberg):

Agter de Steenbergen aan Baaij Fals, Agter de Steenbergen in d’Baaijvals:

Algoa Bay:


Bhaij Fals, Bhaijfals, Baai Fals:

Bommelshoek, Bommelshok:



Chavonis, fort:

Clapmuts, Clappmuts:

Coornhoop, fort:

Cuijlen de, Kuylen de:


Duijnhoop, fort, Duynhoop, fort:

Elsjes Coraal:

Gansche Craal, Ganse Craal, Gansekraal, Gansekrael, Ganze kraal:

Groene Cloof, Groene Clooff, Groene Kloof, Groene Klooff:

Groote Schuur, Schuur:

Hoop op Constantia, Klein Constantia:



Land van Waveren, Waveren:

Newland, Nieuwland:

Niguasbosch, Outeniqualand, Oudniquas land, Swarte, Swarte Rivier:

Paardeberg, Paarden Eijland:

Paradeys, Paradijs:


Visserhoek, Vissershoek, Vissershok:


Witteboomen, Witte Boomen, Witteboom:

Zanthoop, fort:


Amsterdam, fort Kaap de Goede Hoop:


Delagoa Bay: (25°58’S – 32°34’E) Fort Lydsaamheid (1721)

Netherlands: Jan. 1721 – 23 Dec. 1730 abandoned

Welch “Portuguese and Dutch in South Africa” pp. 404-409


Antongil Bay: (may be 15°26’S – 49°44’E)

Netherlands: 1641/2 factory – 1646/7 closed

Moree, P.J. “A coincise history of Dutch Mauritius 1598-1710” pp.31-37

St. Losie, St. Lucie, St. Louis, Se. Luce ??


Nzwani (Ansjouan, Ansuany, Anjouan, Anzuani):


Fort Frederik Hendrik (Vieux Grand Port Bay: Zuidoosterhaven, Oosterhaven): (20°23’S – 57°43’E) Fort Frederik Hendrik, there were also Dutch settlements in Flacq, Black River and Port Louis.

Netherlands: 1638 – 1658 abandoned

Netherlands: 1664 – Feb. 1710 abandoned

Moree, P.J. “A concise history of Dutch Mauritius 1598-1710”