Asia Portuguese Bibliographies Portuguese Colonialism

Arabia, Persian Gulf. Bibliography of Portuguese Colonial History 16th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster.



– Al-Khalifa, Shaikh Abdullah Bin Khalid and Abahussain, Dr. Ali “Bahrain Through The Ages – Vol.2”, Historical Documents Centre, 1995, Bahrain 1 The Carmathians of Bahrain; 2 The Ayounis; 3 The Zenk and the Selgrids; 4 The Juboors; 5 The Portuguese; 6 The Utoob; 7 Shaik Ahmed al Fateh; 8 Shaik Salman bin Ahmed al Khalifa; a General treaty of 1820; b Francis Loch’s diary; c Agreement of Bruce with al Qasimi.

– Al Maamiry, Ahmed Hamoud, “Omani – Portuguese history”, 80 pp., illustrations, Lancers Publishers, 1982, New Delhi, India. Omanis and the Indian Ocean; the Portuguese and the Indian Ocean; the Portuguese supremacy; the Portuguese occupation of Oman; the decline of the Portuguese rule; the East African scene; three year siege of Fort Jesus; the Portuguese attempt to reoccupy Mombasa; assessment of Portuguese achievements; East Africa after the Portuguese; Omani-Portuguese relations.

– Andrade, Rui Freire de “Comentários do Grande Capitão Rui Freire de Andrade”, XII, 374 pp. [3] maps, Ministério das Colónias, Agência Geral das Colónias, 1940, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Andrada, Ruy Freyre de, “Commentaries of Ruy Freyre de Andrada”, edited with an introduction by C.R. Boxer, 328 pp., Robert M. McBride & Co., 1930, NY, USA.

– Aubin, Jean, “La politique iranienne d’Ormuz (1515-1540)”, in: Studia n°53, 1994, pp.26-51.

– Bacqué-Gramont, Jean Louis and Kroll, Anne, “Mamlouks, Ottomans et Portugais en Mer Rouge. L’Affaire de Djedda en 1517” ? In: “Annales Islamologiques”, n. 12. 1988, Cairo, Egypt.

– Barendse, R. J. “The Arabian Seas, 1640-1700” ?, vi + 465 pp., Leiden University, 1998, Leiden, The Netherlands.

– Boxer, Ch. R. “Anglo-Portuguese Rivalry in the Persian Gulf, 1615-1635”, in: Boxer, Ch. R., “Portuguese conquest and commerce in Southern Asia 1500-1750” 1985, London, United Kingdom.

– Brásio, A.D. “Missões portuguesas de Socotora” ??, 63 pp., plates, Colecção pelo Império n° 93, Divisão de Publicações e Biblioteca, Agência Geral das Colónias, 1943, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Colin, Paul Mitchell, “Shah Abbas, the English East India Company and the Cannoneers of Fars”, in: “Itinerário ” vol. XXIV, n° 2/2000, pp. 104-125, European Journal of Overseas History, Leiden University, The Netherlands.

– Costa, Paolo M., “Historical interpretation of the territory of Muscat”, in: Various Authors “Oman studies: papers on archeology and history of Oman”, 203 pp., Istituto Italiano per il Medio e l’Estremo Oriente, pp. 97-117, 1989, Roma, Italy.

– Costa, Paolo “Musandam: Architecture and Material Culture of a Little Known Region of Oman”, 250 pp., Vine House, 1995,

– D’Errico, E., “Introduction to Omani military architecture of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth century” in: “Journal of Oman Studies” n° 6 (1), 1983, pp. 59-64

– Dames, M.L. “The Portuguese and Turks in the Indian Ocean in the sixteenth century” in: “Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland” 1921(1) pp. 1-28.

– Dias Farinha, António “Os Portugueses no Golfo Pérsico 1507-1538”, 266 pp., Dissertação Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 1990, Lisbon, also in: Mare Liberum, Revista de História dos Mares Nº 3 , pp. 1-159, 1991, Lisbon, Portugal. This book contain a vast collection of documents about the first years of Portuguese presence in the Persian Gulf.

– Dinteman, Walter “Forts of Oman” ?, 128 pp., a collection of numerous photos, 1993. A highly pictorial account of the role of the fort in Oman’s history since the 16th century.

– Floor, Willem “The Persian Gulf 1500-1730. The Political Economy of Five Port Cities” (Washington DC. 2006). [the history of Hormuz, Masqat, Basra, Bandar Abbas and Kong]

– Floor, Willem “The Hispano-Portuguese Empire and its contacts with Safavid Persia, the kingdom of Hormuz and Yarubid Oman from 1489 to 1720” (Leuven: Peeters, 2007) in collaboration with Farhad Hakimzadeh.

– Floor, Willem “Who were the Niquelus?” in Dejanirah Couto and Rui Manuel Loureiro eds. Revisiting Hormuz. Portuguese Interactions in the Persian Gulf Region in the Early Modern Period (Wiesbaden, 2008), pp. 89-105.

– Floor, Willem “Two revenue lists from Hormuz (1515, 1543),” in Rudi Matthee and Jorge Flores, Portugal, the Persian Gulf and Safavid Persia (Louvain: Peeters, 2011), pp. 81-97.

– Gonçalves, Júlio “Mascate, Albuquerque e os sultanatos do Oman 1507-1659”, in: “Anais” do Clube Militar Naval, pp. 421-435, 1940, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Kervran, Monik (ed.), “Bahrain in the XVI century. An Impregnable Island”, 93 pp. ills., plans and maps Ministry of Information State of Bahrain, 1988, Bahrain. pp. 7-34

– Kervran, Monique “Bahrain in the Sixteenth Century. Political and Military Events” pp. 35-84 -Various Authors “The Bahrain Fort in the Sixteenth Century” pp. 85-92 -Moreira, Rafael “Inofre de Carvalho: a Renaissance Architect in the Gulf”

– Kervran, Monik; Negre, Arlette; Michele Pirazzoli “Excavation of Qal’at al -Bahrain, 1st Part (1977-1979)” ?, 119 pp., plans, b&w & colour photos, Ministry of Information, 1982, Bahrain.

– Muir, J. “Reminiscências Portuguesas na Arábia Oriental”, 13 pp., Separatas do Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 1961, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Ozbaran, Salih, “The Ottoman Turks and the Portuguese in the Persian Gulf (1534-1581)” ?, Thesis University of London, 1969, London, United Kingdom.

– Özbaran, Salih, “The Ottoman response to European Expansion. Studies on Ottoman-Portuguese relations in the Indian Ocean and Ottoman administration in the Arab lands during the sixteenth century”, xv, 222 pp. b/w ills., 4 maps, Analecta Isisiana XII, The Isis Press, 1994, Istanbul, Turkey. The complete collection of English articles written by Salih Özbaran from 1972 till 1993. 1- Introduction: Articles: The present state of historiography, 1993; A review of Portuguese and Turkish sources, 1985. 2- Characteristics of an Empire: Articles: The Ottomans’ role in the diffusion of fire-arms and military technology in Asia and Africa in the sixteenth century, 1986; The Ottoman empire and the spice routes in the sixteenth century, 1990; Expansion in the Southern seas, 1987. 3- Vicissitudes of the Sixteenth Century: Articles: A Turkish report on the Red Sea and the Portuguese in the Indian ocean (1525), 1978; An Imperial letter from Süleyman the Magnificent to Dom João III concerning proposals for an Ottoman-Portuguese armistice [1544], 1990; Two letters of Dom Álvaro de Noronha from Hormuz. Turkish activities along the coast of Arabia: 1550-1552, 1978; Bahrain in 1559. A narrative of Turco-Portuguese conflict in the Gulf, 1982; The Ottomans in confrontation with the Portuguese in the Red Sea after the conquest of Egypt in 1517, 1986; The Ottoman Turks and the Portuguese in the Persian Gulf 1534-1581, 1972; The Ottomans in East Africa: a tribute to Cengiz Orhonlu, 1990.

– Pereira da Costa, José, “Socotora’ e o domínio português no Oriente”, 51 pp. separata da Revista da Universitade de Coimbra, 1973, Coimbra, Portugal. The history of the Portuguese occupation of Socotra with the reproduction of several documents.

– Risso, Patricia, “Oman and Muscat: an early modern history”, xvii + 258 pp., Croom Helm, 1986, London, United Kingdom.

– Serjeant, R. B. “The Portuguese off the South Arabian Coast: Hadrami chronicles. With Yemeni and European accounts of Dutch pirates off Mocha in the seventeenth century”, XIV, 233 pp., with 2 maps and 14 plates, 1974, Beirut, Lebanon. Clarendon, 1963, Oxford

– Slot, B. J. “The Arabs of the Gulf 1602-1784” ?, xvii + 436 pp. Slot, 1993, Leidschendam.

– Vine, Peter; Casey and Vine, Paula (eds.) “Oman in history” ?, 560 pp., Immel Publishing, 1995, London, United Kingdom.

– Ziolkowski, Michele “Al-Bidyah excavations, 1999”, in: “BSAI Nesletter”, n°4, November 1999, British School of Archeology in Iraq.

– Ziolkowski, Michele, “Excavations at Al-Bidyyah: new light on the Portuguese presence in the Emirates”, in: “Tribulus”, Vol. 9.2, pp. 19-21, autumn/winter 1999.

– Ziolkowski, Michele “The Historical Archeology of the Coast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates: from the Eve of Islam to the early twentieth century. Volume I: text”, unpublished Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia. pp. 284-451.