French Bibliographies French Colonialism

Bibliography of French Colonial History: 16th-18th centuries

Written by Marco Ramerini. Text revision by Dietrich Köster.



– Cornevin, M. & R. “La France et les Français outre-mer” 514 pp. Tallandier, 1990, Paris, France.

– Julien, Ch. A. “Les voyages de découverte et les premiers établissements (XV-XVI)” 553 pp. «Colonies et Empires”, 3ème série Histoire de l’expansion et de la colonisation françaises, tome I» Presses Universitaires de France, 1948, Paris, France.



– Bonnault, Cl. de “Histoire du Canada Français 1534-1763” ? 349 pp. 1950, Paris, France.

– Borins, R. H. “La compagnie du Nord 1682-1700” Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Mc. Gill University, 1968,

– Campeau, L. “Monumenta Novae Franciae” Vol. I La première mission d’Acadie, 1602-1616. 276*-720 pp.(vol. 96). Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, 1967, Roma, Italia. Vol. II Établissement à Québec, 1616-1634. 142*-890 pp. (vol. 116). Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, 1979, Roma, Italia. Vol. III Fondation de la Mission Huronne (1635-1637). 54*-894 pp.(vol. 130). Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, 1987, Roma, Italia. Vol. IV Les grandes épreuves (1638-1640). 48*-808 pp. (vol. 135). Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, 1989, Roma, Italia. Vol. V La bonne nouvelle reçue (1641-1643). 50*-862 pp. (vol.138). Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, 1990, Roma, Italia. Vol. VI Recherche de la paix (1644-1646). 44*-806 pp. (vol. 144). Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, 1992, Roma, Italia. Vol. VII Le Témoignage du sang (1647-1650). 46*-888 pp. (vol. 146). Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, 1994, Roma, Italia.

– Campeau, L. “Mission des Jésuites chez les Hurons 1634-1650” 488 pp. Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1987, Roma, Italia.

– Champagne, Antoine “Les La Verendrye et le poste de l’Ouest” x, 589 pp. maps, ills. Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 1968, Québec, Canada.

– Cole Harris, R. ed. “Historical Atlas of Canada” Vol. 1 : “From the beginning to 1800” 198 pp. ills. University of Toronto Press, 1987, Toronto, Canada.

– Eccles, W. J. “The France in America” 312 pp. Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1990 (1972), Ontario, Canada. The false starts 1500-1632, merchants and missionaries 1632-1663, Colbert’s colonies 1663-1685, war and trade 1683-1713, the long peace 1713-1744, the slave colonies 1683-1748, the preemptive conquest 1749-1763, aftermath 1760-1783.

– Eccles, W. J. “The Canadian frontier 1534-1760” 238 pp. University of New Mexico Press, 1992, New Mexico, USA (1969, New York). The nature of the Canadian frontier, New France 1524-1629, commerce and evangelism 1632-1662, institutions and enviroment, society and the frontier, the fur trade frontier 1663-1700, the imperial frontier 1700-1750, the military frontier 1748-1760, epilogue: the closing of the fur trade frontier.

– Faulkner, Alaric and Gretchen “The French at Pentagoet: 1635-1674 An Archaeological Portrait of the Acadian Frontier” 330 pp. ills. Maine Historical Preservation Commmission, 1987, Augusta, Maine, USA.

– Giraud, M. “Le Métis canadien: son rôle dans l’histoire des provinces de l’Ouest” two volumes, 1945, Paris, France.

– Harvey, D. C. “French Regime in Prince Edward Island” Harvard, 1926, New Haven, USA.

– Jaray, G. L. “L’Empire Français d’Amérique 1534-1808” 1938, Paris, France.

– Mahaffie, Ch. D. “A land of discord always: Acadia from its beginnings to the expulsion of its people 1604-1755” 317 pp. Down East Books, 1995, Cadmen, Maine, USA.

– Mc Grath, John Terrence “France in America 1555-1565: a reevalutation of the evidence” 408 pp. Unpublished PhD. Thesis Boston University, 1995.

– McLennan, John Stewart “Louisbourg from its foundation to its fall, 1713-1758” 328 pp. illustrations and fold-out map, Fortress Press, 1969,

– Nuffield, E. W. “Bay of the North. The struggle for control of Hudson Bay 1686-1713” 160 pp. Haro Books, 1998, Vancouver, Canada.

– Rosselli, Alberto “Conflitto Anglo-Francese in Nord America, 1756-1763” 222 pp. maps Erga, 1999, Genova, Italia. Index: 1755-1758, situazione di equilibrio; 1759, l’anno della svolta; attacco a Quebec; la conquista di Quebec; Saint Foy, l’ultima ma inutile vittoria francese; il ruolo strategico della marina nel corso della guerra dei sette anni; le tribù indiane coinvolte nel conflitto anglo-francese; cronologia; cartografia; bibliografia.

– Severance, Frank H. “An old frontier of France: the Niagara region and adjacent lakes under French control” 921 pp. 2 volumes ills. Dodd, Mead, 1917, New York.

– Trigger, B. G. “The French presence in Huronia: the structure of Franco-Huron relations in the first half of the seventeenth century” In: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 8; Subrahmanyam. S. “Merchant network in early modern world” Ashgate Variorum, vol. n° 8; pp. 303-337, also in “Canadian Historical Review” XLIX, 1968, pp. 107-141.

– Trudel, Marcel “Histoire de la Nouvelle-France I: Les vaines tentatives 1524-1603” 307 pp. maps 1° vol. Fides, 1963, Montréal, Canada.

– Trudel, Marcel “Histoire de la Nouvelle-France II: Le Comptoir 1604-1627” 2° vol. Fides, 1966, Montréal, Canada.

– Trudel, Marcel “Histoire de la Nouvelle-France III: La Seigneurie des cent-associés 1627-1663. Tome 1: Les évènements” 3° vol. tome 1 Fides, 1969, Montréal, Canada.

– Trudel, Marcel ” Histoire de la Nouvelle-France III: La Seigneurie des cent-associés 1627-1663. Tome 2: La Societé” 3° vol. tome 2 Fides, 1983, Montréal, Canada.

– Trudel, Marcel “Histoire de la Nouvelle-France IV: Montréal. La formation d’une société 1642-1663” ? 4° vol. Fides, 1976, Montréal, Canada.

– Trudel, Marcel “Atlas de la Nouvelle-France. An Atlas of New France” 1968, Québec, Canada.

– Voorhis, Ernest “Historic Forts and Trading Posts of the French Regime and of the English Fur Trading Companies” 188 pp. maps Department of the Interior, 1930, Ottawa, Canada. Introductory remarks on the forts and posts, portages and waterways, French trading companies and free traders; the Northwest Company, the Hudson’s Bay Company, and extensive bibliography. Each of the 612 locations is described geographically and historically.

– Zoltvany, F. “Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil. Governor of New France 1703-1725” Toronto, 1974


– Various Authors “The French in the Mississippi valley” John Francis Mc. Dermott, Univ. of Illinois, 1965, Urbana, Illinois, USA.

– Various Authors “Charlesfort identified” In: “Archaeology” Newsbriefs Volume 49, n° 5 Sep/Oct 1996 – Belting, N. “Kaskaskia under the French Regime” 140 pp. University of Illinois Press, 1948, Urbana, Illinois, USA. Kaskaskia the beginnings, the village of Kaskaskia, life in the village, making a living, social life and customs, extracts from the parish registers, notes on the Census of 1752.

– Buzhardt, Gail Alexander & Hawthorne, Margaret “Rencontres sur le Mississippi, 1682-1763, French Language Reader of Historical Texts” University Press of Mississippi, 1993

– Caruso, John Anthony “Mississippi Valley Frontier: The age of French Exploration & Settlement” 423 pp. maps Bobbs-Merrill/Howard W. Sams., 1966, Indianapolis.

– Delanglez, Jean “The French Jesuits in Lower Louisiana 1700-1763” Ph.D. Thesis Catholic University of America, 1935.

– De Ville, Winston “Opelousas: The History of a French and Spanish Military Post in America, 1716-1803” ix+188 pp. ills. maps Polyanthos Inc., 1973, Cottonport, Louisiana The history of the Opelousas Post, its growth, during colonial times..under the French, Spanish.

– Ekberg, C. “French Roots in the Illinois Country: The Mississippi Frontier in Colonial Times” ? 376 pp. University of Illinois Press, 2000.

– Frégault, Guy “Le Grand-Marquis Pierre Rigault de Vaudreuil et la Louisiane” 385 pp. Fides, 1952, Montreal, Canada.

– Giraud, M. “Histoire de la Louisiane Française” 368+209+420+455 pp. 4Voll. (1698-1723) 1953-1974 Paris Volume 1: Le Règne de Louis XIV. Volume 2: Années de transition 1715-1717. Volume 3: L’époque de John Law 1717-1720. Volume 4: La Louisiane après le système de Law 1721-1723.

– Harris, John Brice “From Old Mobile to Fort Assumption. A Story of the French Attempts to Colonize Louisiana and Destroy the Chickasaw Indians” 139 pp. maps, drawings The Parthenon Press, 1959, Nashville, USA.

– Higginbotham, Jay “Old Mobile: Fort Louis de la Louisiane 1702-1711” 585 pp. 61 pp. of illustrations Museum of the City of Mobile, 1977, Mobile, USA. An exhaustive work chronicling the establishment of the French fort and settlement on the Mobile River in 1702.

– Lauvrière, E. “Histoire de la Louisiana Française 1673-1939” ? 445 pp., 52 plans and maps, Lib. Orientale et Americaine, G-P Maisonneuve Ed., 1940, Paris, France.

– Lyon “Louisiana in French Diplomacy 1759-1804” ? 268 pp. maps University Oklahoma Press, 1934, Norman, USA. Portrayal of French Interest in the Mississippi Valley.


– Cable, George W. “Créoles and Cajuns : stories of old Louisiana” 432 pp., Peter Smith, 1965, Gloucester [MA], USA.

– Thorne, Tanis Chapman “People of the river: mixed-blood families on the lower Missouri (Native-American; French Créole)” 451 pp. PhD. University of California,, Los Angeles, 1987.

– Valdman, Albert “French & Créole in Louisiana” ? 359 pp. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1997, Describes the current state of research on language varieties spoken in southwestern Louisiana, with material on French and Créole in Louisiana as well as French-speaking communities in Acadia (currently New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) and in the Caribbean. Specific subjects include the sociolinguistic situation of Cajun French, field method in four Cajun communities in Louisiana, the structure of Louisiana Créole, the lexicon of Louisiana French, and research on Louisiana french folklore and folklife.


– Orizio, Riccardo “Tribù bianche perdute: viaggio tra i dimenticati” xv+281 pp. Editori Laterza, 2000, Bari, Italia. English edition: “Lost White tribes: Journeys among the Forgotten” 281 pp. Secker & Warburg, 2000 Indice: Sri Lanka: quattro secoli di nostalgia olandese; Giamaica: gli schiavi tedeschi di Seaford Town; Brasile: via con il vento degli ultimi sudisti; Haiti: i polacchi di Papà Doc; Namibia: la Terra Promessa dei Basters; Guadalupa: i duchi della canna da zucchero. The author investigates: the Dutch Burghers of Sri Lanka; the Germans of Seaford Town (Jamaica); the Confederados of Brazil; the Poles of Haiti; the Basters of Namibia; the Blancs Matignon of Guadeloupe.

– Parry, J. H. & Sherlock, P. “A short history of the West Indies” 337 pp. The Macmillan Press ltd, 1980, Brazil:

– Baez-Camargo, G. “The earliest Protestant Missionary venture in Latin America” In: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 28; Cummins, J. S. “Christianity and Missions 1480-1800” Ashgate Variorum, vol. n° 28; pp. 303-313 Also in “Church History” XXI, 1952, pp. 135-145

– Laborie, Jean-Claude “Le Huguenot au Brésil: à travers les documents portugais (1560-1584) In: “Revue de l’Histoire du Protestantisme Français” Nov./Dec. 1998

– Leite de Faria, Francisco “Os primeiros missionários do Maranhão. Achegas para a história dos Capuchinhos Franceses que aí estiveram de 1612 a 1615” In “O Centro de Estudos Históricos Ultramarinos e as Comemorações Henriquinas” 83 – 216 pp. 1961, Lisbon, Portugal

– Tomlinson, R. J. “The struggle for Brazil: Portugal and the French interlopers” 127 pp. Las Américas Publishing Co, 1970 , New York, USA.


– Brooks, G. E. “The Signares of Saint-Louis and Gorée: women entrepreneurs in eighteenth-century Senegal” In: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 27/2; Forster, Robert “European and non-European societies, 1450-1800; Vol. 2: Religion, Class, Gender, Race” pp. 567-592

– Delcourt, Jean “La turbulente histoire de Gorée” xi, 103 pp. illustr. 1982, Dakar, Senegal.

– Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P. “The French at Kilwa Island: An Episode in Eighteenth Century East African History” Clarendon Press, 1965, Oxford

– Deschamps, Hubert, “Les pirates à Madagascar aux XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles”, Berger-Levrault, 1949, Paris, France



– Indrani, Ray “The French East India Company and the Trade of the Indian Ocean : A Collection of Essays” xiii, 256 p. edited by Lakshmi Subramanian, 1999, The present selection of the writings of the late Indrani Ray has been planned around certain identifiable factors that determined India’s changing tryst with the Indian Ocean in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. While the protagonist in these writings is the Indian merchant, the biographer is the French East India Company’s official. Using a wide array of French sources, the author has reconstructed the changing world of the Indian merchant as he rubbed shoulders with the European trading companies in the palmy decades of the seventeenth century and retreated into his shell in the turbulent decades of the eighteenth. Taken together, these essays underscore both the prosperity and vitality of Indian trade in the seventeenth century as well as its inherent fragility in the face of political uncertainty and unrestrained competition in the succeeding years. The conclusions arrived at, tend to reinforce some of the better known propositions about the nature and orientation of pre-modern Indian trade and the making of its material context. Individually the essays constitute important interventions in ongoing debates about the extent and logic of Mughal decline, the benevolence of the Mughal state towards matters maritime and about the relative importance of European trade vis-a-vis Asian trade in the economy of eighteenth century Bengal. 1. Of trade and traders in the seventeenth-century India: an unpublished French memoir by Georges Roques. 2. The trade and traders in Ahmedabad in late seventeenth century: extracts from Georges Roques’ MSS. 3. The French Company and the merchants of Bengal (1680-1730). 4. Dupleix’s private trade in Chandernagore. 5. The English associates of Dupleix in Bengal. 6. Some aspects of French presence in Bengal: 1731-40. 7. Journey to Cassimbazar and Murshidabad: observations of a French visitor to Bengal in 1743. 8. India in Asian trade in the 1730s: a discussion by a French trader. 9. Trade in Basra in the mid-eighteenth century. 10. The multiple faces of the early eighteenth century Indian merchants. 11. European traders in Surat (1730-50). 12. Printed primary sources in French for Indian studies.

– Manning, C. “French country trade on Coromandel, 1720-1750” In: “An Expanding World” Vol. n° 10; Prakash, Om “European commercial expansion in early modern Asia” pp. 282-292 Also in: “The Asians Seas 1500-1800” Macao, 1991, pp. 162-172

– Martineau, Alfred “Dupleix et l’Inde Française” 4 Vols. 1920-1928, Paris, France.

– Mathew, K. S. “French in India and Indian Nationalism (1700 A.D. – 1963 A.D.)” xiii, 656 pp. 2 vols 1999, Delhi, India. Vol. I. Introduction. 1. Sher Khan Lodi et François Martin ou les premières relations Franco-Indiennes à Pondichéry/G. David. 2. Franco-Maratha relations/V.S. Kadam. 3. Indo-French cultural relations: 19th century Maharashtra (with special reference to Charles D’Ochoa)/A.R. Kulkarni. 4. French relations with Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan: a record of blunders/B. Sheik Ali. 5. Observations on the French military presence in the Indian states 1750-1849/Jean-Marie Lafont. 6. The French relations with the native kingdom of Travancore (with special reference to Dupleix, the French Governor of Pondicherry)/M.O. Koshy. 7. Relevant data on Dupleix/M.P. Sridharan. 8. Neutrality and profit – Franco-Danish relations in 18th-century India/Martin Krieger. 9. Dupleix and the court of Murshidabad in Bengal, 1731-1739/Aniruddha Ray. 10. Dupleix in French fiction/R. Kichenamourty. 11. Les deux premiers gouverneurs de l’Inde française au XIXème siècle /Mireille Lobligeois. 12. Trois Siècles de Pr-é-sence Française en Inde/M. Douglas Gressieux. 13. L’Inde et l’Extrême-Orient dans les Périodiques francophones pour Enfants après la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale (Vers 1945-Vers 1960). Premiers Pas d’une Recherche/François-Xavier Emmanuelli. 14. France in contemporary Indian fiction/P. Marudanayagam. 15. Social stratification in colonial India with special reference to French India/L.S. Vishwanath. 16. French missionaries and social changes in Pondicherry/P.P. Xavier. 17. Legoux De Flaix’s observations on Indian technologies unknown in Europe/Florence D’Souza. Vol. II. 18. Education of girls in French India/Emiliana Emprayil and Benjamin Kanjiramelkunnel. 19. The French language in Pondicherry: a vestige of the past (or) a link-language of the future?/Nalini J. Thampi. 20. Influence of French in 18th century Pondicherry Tamil dialect/S. Arokianathan. 21. Library movement in French India/Calaichelvy Ezhilan. 22. Pondicherry in the eighteenth century: town planning, streetscapes and housescapes/Fran11. Social stratification in colonial India with special reference to Françoise L’Hernault. 23. The French military engineers and geographers in India (1750-1778)/Alexis Rinckenbach. 24. Urban growth of Pondicherry and the French: a study of the town plans 1702-1798/S. Jeyaseela Stephen. 25. De quelques médecins français en Inde au 17ème siècle /Françoise de Valence. 26. Indo-Spanish trade connections with special reference to French India/Leena More. 27. Indians in French Indo-China/J.B.P. More. 28. Three French patriots in India 1797/Guy Deleury. 29. French ventures in Pondicherry today: enterprises, businesses and humanitarian associations/Pierre Lachaier. 30. Flux et Reflux dans les échanges textiles contemporains entre l’Inde et la France: Une Vue de Pondichéry/Brigitte Silberstein. 31. L’organisation judiciaire de Pondichéry au 18ème siècle L’exemple du tribunal de la Chaudrie/J.C. Bonnan. 32. Chandernagore – profile of a subordinate rebel French settlement/Ajit Neogy. 33. The Merger of French India/David Annoussamy. 34. Alexis De Tocqueville’s views on India and colonialism/J.A. Bernard. 35. The slave trade in the Indian Ocean: the French experience/Jeannette Pinto. 36. Indian merchants and the French during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries – a study in partnership/K.S. Mathew. 37. Intellectual origins of nationalism in South India/G. Chandhrika. 38. Freedom struggle in Malabar with special reference to civil disobedience movement, 1930-34/K.J. John

– Mathew, K.S. & Jeyaseela, Stephen S. “Indo-French Relations” ? Pragati Hardbound, India. Contents: Preface. 1. French relations with Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan: a record of blunders/B. Sheik Ali. 2. Dupleix and the court of Murshidabad in Bengal, 1731-1739/Aniruddha Ray. 3. Franco – Maratha relations/V.S. Kadam. 4. The French relations with the Native Kingdom of Travancore with special reference to Dupleix, the French Governor of Pondicherry/M.O. Koshy. 5. The merger of French India/David Annoussamy. 6. Chandernagore – profile of a subordinate rebel French settlement/Ajit Neogry engineers and geographers in India (1750-1778)/Alexis Rinckenbach. 10. Indian merchants and the French during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries – a study of partnership/K. S. Mathew. 11. Social stratification in colonial India with special reference to Françoise L’Hernault. 14. Observations on the French military presence in the Indian states 1750-1849/Jean Marie Lafont. 15. A bibliographical survey of the sources on Indo-French history/S. Jeyaseela Stephen. Index.


– “Revue Française d’histoire d’outre-mer”

– “Mississipi Valley Historical Review”

– “The Canadian Historical Review”

– “Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique Française” Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique Française, Outremont, Québec, Canada.