Swedish Bibliographies Swedish Colonialism

Bibliography of Swedish Colonial History: 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster.



– Granlund, Victor “En Svensk Koloni i Afrika eller Svenska-Afrikanske Kompagniets Historia” ? 1879, Stockholm, Sweden.


– Acrelius, Israel “A history of New Sweden: or, the Settlements on the river Delaware” ? 468 pp. The Historical Society Of Pennsylvania, 1874 (1759), Philadelphia, USA.

– Amandus, J. “The Swedes on the Delaware 1638-1664” ? 391 pp. International Printing Co. 1927 Philadelphia, U.S.A.

– Amandus, J. “The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware. Their History and Relation to the Indians, Dutch and English 1638-1664. With an Account of the South, The New Sweden, and the American Companies, and the Efforts of Sweden to Regain the Colony” ? 2 Volumes, xx – 879 pp. plus 103 plates, 4 maps; University of Pennsylvania, 1911 (1996), USA. The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware is a scholarly and exhaustive treatment of New Sweden on the Delaware.

– Cailleux, Jean-Luc & Herard, Nathalie & Hochart, Philippe “Architecture: St. Barth – An Island and its Houses” ? Les Editions du Latanier, 1989, Saint-Barthélemy. The traditional architecture of this Caribbean island in photographs and text in French and English. Colour Photographs.

– Franklin, J. Jameson “Willem Usselinx: founder of the Dutch and Swedish West India Companies” ? 234 pp. Papers Amer Hist Assoc 2(2), 1887, NY, USA.

– Hook, Frank E. “The Finns in American colonial history” Internet article.

– Leiby, A. C. “The early Dutch and Swedish settlers of New Jersey” ? D. Van Nostrand Co., 1964, Princeton

– Ward, C. “New Sweden on the Delaware” ? 160 pp. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

– Ward, C. “The Dutch and the Swedes on the Delaware 1609-1664” ??? 393 pp. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1930, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

– Weslager, C. A. “New Sweden on the Delaware 1638-1655” 219 pp. The Middle Atlantic press, 1988, Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A. The birth of New Sweden company, the Swedes build fort Christina, the Printz expedition, Printz expands New Sweden, trouble with the Dutch, Rising captures Fort Casimir, the fall of New Sweden, aftermath, sights to see. “Dr. Weslager, offers a charming account, through the eyes of a grandfather and grandson, of present-day places to visit that remind us of centuries past.”


– Koninckx, C. “The first and second charters of the Swedish East India Company (1731-1766). Acontribution to the maritime, economic and social history of North-Western Europe in its relationships with the Far East” ? 560pp. 1980 A valuable study laying particular emphasis on the Company’s maritime, economic and social aspects: early efforts and the first Swedish expeditions, the maritime routes, the trade with the Far East and its profits, personnel in the Company’s service, etc.