Malaysia Portuguese Colonialism

Portuguese Malacca 1511-1641

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. THE PORTUGUESE CONQUEST At the time of the Portuguese arrival in the Asian seas, Malacca thanks to its strategic position on the strait bearing the same name, was a remarkable trading center for the trade and shunting of spices. At that time, Malacca was ruled […]

Dutch Colonialism Malaysia

Dutch Malacca 1641-1795, 1818-1825

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. On 14 January 1641 the Dutch took possession from the Portuguese of the fortress of Malacca with the help of their ally the Sultan of Johore. The Dutch had treaties with the Johore Sultans to get rid of the Portuguese. The Malays were confident of […]

Asia Dutch Bibliographies Dutch Colonialism Malaysia

Malacca, Thailand, and Philippines. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: MALACCA, THAILAND AND PHILIPPINES THAILAND: – Various Authors, “Siamese king sent diplomats to “king” Maurits at The Hague”, in: “Windmill Herald”, n°813, 814, September 9 & 23, 1996 – Brummelhuis, Han ten, “Merchant, Courtier and Diplomat: A History of the Contacts between The […]

Dutch Colonialism Malaysia Portuguese Colonialism

The Fort of Malacca: Portuguese-Dutch Fortress of Malacca (Melaka)

Written by Marco Ramerini. Photos by Krzysztof Kudlek. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. The city of Malacca was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511. Soon after the conquest of the city, which was the most important commercial port in Asia, Afonso de Albuquerque built a fortress to defend the new Portuguese possession. The first […]

Malaysia Portuguese Colonialism

Flor de la Mar (Flor do Mar), 1511. A shipwrecked Portuguese Galleon

Written by Marco Ramerini. Photos by Krzysztof Kudlek. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. The “Flor do Mar” or “Flor de la Mar” was a Portuguese galleon of 400 tons, which was part of the fleet sent to conquer the city of Malacca in 1511. The vessel was built in Lisbon in 1502 and at the […]

Dutch Colonialism Indonesia Malaysia Moluccas Philippines Spanish Colonialism

The abortive expedition of Don Juan de Silva against the Dutch in the East Indies (1612-1616)

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. English translation of a small part of my work entitled “La presenza Spagnola alle Isole Molucche, 1606-1663”. In the propositions of the governor of the Philippines, Don Juan de Silva, a big joint expedition of Spaniards and Portuguese should succeed in getting rid of the […]