Written by Marco Ramerini
Under Costruction…
Vengurla, Wingurla:
Netherlands: trading office and fort 1638 – ?
Source: Disney, A. “Twilight of the pepper empire”
Mangalore, Mangalor:
Cochin: (Cochim, Cochin, Kochin, Couchyn, Couchin, Coutchin)
Netherlands: 7/8 Jan. 1663 – 20 Oct. 1795
to the English
Vypin: (Vypin, Baipin, Waipin, Vaipin)
Netherlands: factory
Negapatam: (Nagappattinam, Nagapatnam, Negapatnam)
Netherlands: ? – 11 Nov 1781 ?
to the English
Nagercoil: (Cotatte, Cottatte, Kottar)
The place Cottate gains an occasional mention in the land muster-rolls of the VOC. The place is referred to as a VOC outpost staffed by only one or two officials. According to contemporary sources, it currently forms part of the city of Nagercoil, in the southern tip of India. Van Reede tot Drakenstein and Van Goens clashed several times on the subject of Kottar and environs. Van Goens felt the area should fall under the administration of Ceylon, while Van Reede wanted it to fall under the aegis of Malabar.
Landmonsterrollen, 1691-1790 “Atlas of Mutual Heritage” http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/
Punneikayal: (Ponnecaijl, Ponnecail, Ponneceijl, Ponnekail, Ponnekayl)
The Company decided to set up a trading base in Ponnekayl, a source of superb pearls. Although the pearl divers were not employed by the Company, they were required to sell their pearls to the VOC.
Landmonsterrollen, 1691-1790 “Atlas of Mutual Heritage” http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/
Vembar: (Bempaar)
Bempaar was one of the VOC outposts north of Tutucorin.
Landmonsterrollen, 1691-1790 “Atlas of Mutual Heritage” http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/
Alandale: (Alandelle, Allandale, Allandalle)
The VOC settlement on the island of Alandale was of little importance, for throughout the 18th century it was never manned by more than two VOC officials. The small island was located on the Madurese Coast in southern India, a region that within the Company structure fell under the auspices of Ceylon.
Landmonsterrollen, 1691-1790 “Atlas of Mutual Heritage” http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/
Alvatier: (Allwatiernegary)
Alvatier is mentioned in the VOC’s land muster-rolls of 1705. Alvatier is named alongside the settlements on the Madurese Coast in southern India. The ‘Alvatier native station’ was habitually staffed by two VOC officials. Later, in 1715, mention is made of an 18-strong staff at the station. In his history of the VOC (1701) Pieter van Dam names the settlement as Allwatiennegary, situated inland from Tutucorin.
Landmonsterrollen, 1691-1790 “Atlas of Mutual Heritage” http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/
Netherlands: 1606 factory – Jun. 1619 abandoned
Netherlands: Jul. 1619 – ?
Source: Jan company in Coromandel 1605-1690 p.16
Pulicat: Casteel Geldria, Fort Geldria (1613)
Netherlands: factory Apr./May 1610 – 12 Jun. 1612
sacked by the Portuguese 12 Jun. 1612 abandoned
Netherlands: Nov. 1612, 1613 fort – ?
Source: Subrahmanyam “Improvising Empire – Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 – 1700” or “”Comercio e conflito – A presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 – 1700”
The neighbouring village of Averipaque was granted to the Company. Source: Jan company in Coromandel 1605-1690 p. 21
Netherlands: factory 1618/19 – ?
Netherlands: trading post 1621-1720
Source: “Landmonsterrollen, 1691-1790” “Atlas of Mutual Heritage” http://www.atlasofmutualheritage.nl/
Chettuvayi: Fort William
Netherlands: 1661 ? – ?
Chinsura: Fort Gustavus
Source: Campos, J. J. A. “History of the Portuguese in Bengal” p 125
Dutch silk factory
Source: Campos, J. J. A. “History of the Portuguese in Bengal” p 125
Baranagar (N. of Calcutta):
Netherlands: factory for salting pork
Source: Campos, J. J. A. “History of the Portuguese in Bengal” p 125
Near Chandernagore:
Netherlands: garden
Source: Campos, J. J. A. “History of the Portuguese in Bengal” p 125
Netherlands: a dutch station for merchant vessels
Source: Campos, J. J. A. “History of the Portuguese in Bengal” p 125
Netherlands: factory 1618 – ?
Netherlands: factory 1618/19 – ?
Netherlands: factory 1618/19 – ?
Nizamapatao: delta of the river Krishna
Netherlands: factory
Source: Subrahmanyam “Improvising Empire – Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 – 1700” or “”Comercio e conflito – A presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 – 1700”
Porto Novo:
Netherlands: factory 1643 – 1670s.
Netherlands: 1680 -1825
Source: Subrahmanyam “Improvising Empire – Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 – 1700” or “”Comercio e conflito – A presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 – 1700”
Netherlands: 1606 factory – Jun. 1616 abandoned
Netherlands: Jul. 1616 ? – ?
Source: Jan company in Coromandel 1605-1690 p.16
Tirupapuliyur or Tierepopelier: (Thiruppapuliyur, Tirepoplier, Tirupapaliyur)
Netherlands: 1608 factory – ?
Source: Subrahmanyam “Improvising Empire – Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 – 1700” or “”Comercio e conflito – A presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 – 1700” Jan company in Coromandel 1605-1690 p. 19
Devanampatinao: in the territory of the Nayak by Senji
Netherlands: Nov. 1608 factory?
Source: Subrahmanyam “Improvising Empire – Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 – 1700” or “”Comercio e conflito – A presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 – 1700” Sadras: 1647 – 1795
Others Dutch forts and settlemens in India:
Ahmadabad (Amed Abaad, Amedabaad, Amedabaath, Amadabatah, Amadabat) Alleppey [Alepe, Alepee, Aleppe, Alleppe, Allepe, Ambalapuzha] Anjengo [Anjengo, Ansinga, Angengo, Antsjenge] Baleshwar [Bellasoor, Bellazoor, Bellesoor, Balasore] Baliapal [Pipely] Barahanagar [Baranagar, Bernagore] Bharuch [Brochia, Broot Chia, Brootchia, Brootschia, Brotchia] Bimlipatam [Bimilipatnam] Calicut [Caliacatta, Calicatto, Calij Catta, Calecuth, Calechut, Calicata] Cannanore [Cananoor, Cananor, Cannanoor, Canonor] Cape Comorin [Caab Commerijn, Caab Commorijn, Caab Kommorijn, Caeb Commorijn] Chapra [Sioppa, Chapra] Chendamangalam [Cheremgalam, Cheremangalan, Cheremagalam, Chermagalam, Sjeremang Chowghat [Chettua, Chetua, Chittua, Chettuwa, Chettuvay, Chetwai] Chunchura [Tjutjura, Sjunsora, Tsunsiora, Sintsura] Cossimbazar [Cassembazaar, Cassembazar, Cassimabasaar, Cassimambasear, Cassimbas Cranganur [Cranganoor, Crangenoor, Cranganor, Crangenor] Cuddalore (Tengapatnam, Tegenapatnam, Tegenepatnam, Tengenapatnam, Cuddalore) Draksharam [Daatcheron, Datcheron, Draksharama] Golkonda [Golkonda] Hougly [Hougelij, Houglij, Hougly, Ouglij] Kakinada [Jaggernaijkpoeram, Jagannathapuram, Kakinada] Karaikal [Karikal, Carcal] Kayalpatnam [Cailpatnam, Kalipatnam] Kayankulam (Calicoilan, Calicolan, Calicoijlan, Calicoylan, Calicoijlang) Khambhat [Cambaya, Khambat] Kilakkarai [Kalkare, Kilkare] Kundapura [Barsaloor, Baarsaloor, Barseloor, Basrur] Machilipatnam [Mesulibata, Masulipatnam, Mazulipatnam] Maldah [Malda] Murshidabad [Moxudabadt, Moxudabat, Moxudabath] Narasapur [Narasapur, Narsapour] Nizampatnam [Petapoli, Nizampatnam] Palakollu [Palikol, Palicol, Katira] Pallippuram [Paliporto] Parangipettai [Porto Novo, Portonovo] Paru [Paroe, Paravur] Patna [Patna, Patena, Pattena] Pondicherry [Poedechery, Pondicherry, Poedecerij] Ponnani [Pananij, Panany, Pannanij, Ponnani] Pulicat [Paliacatta, Palliacatta, Palliacatte, Paliakatta, Pellacata] Purakkad [Porcka, Porca, Porka] Quilon [Coilan, Coijlan, Coylan, Coijlang, Quilon] Rajmahal [Ragiamahol, Ragiemahol, Ragimahol] Sadras [Sadraspatnam, Zadraspatnam, Sadrangapatnam] Sherpur [Sherpur, Ceerpour] Surat [Souratte, Souratta, Zuratta, Sourata, Suratte] Suvali [Soualy, Suvali, Sualy, Soualij Strant] Tuticorin [Tutecorin, Tutucorijn, Tuticorijn, Toute Koryn] Vishakapatnam [Vishakhapatnam, Vizagapatam]
[Abuga] [Aijcotta, Aijkotta, Aycotta, Aijcotte] [Aynamaka] [Baijpaar, Baipar, Vypar, Vambar, Baay Paar] [Callewette, Caluetty] [Cariemabaath, Cariemabath, Carriem Abaat] [Castella, Castelle, Castello] [Conjemere, Kunimedu] [Edatouritti] [Golepallem] [Gustavus, fort] [Kets Mandui] [Kokinaan, Kokienaan] [Madalagam, Madilagam, Madigalam, Madilagam Caro] [Malpa] [Manapaar, Manapaer, Manapar, Mannapaar] [Manicoorde, Manicorda, Manicorde, Manikorda] [Maparany] [Matricotta] [Mirzapur, Mirzapore] [Nagulvancha, Nagelwanse] [Nannoe] [Nieuw-Orangieën, fort] [Padricotta Parri] [Pagodinho, Pagodinha, Trikunnappuzha] [Paponette, Paponettij, Paponetty] [Poedoecoenatte] [Poetenbare] [Soetwaters Eijlant, Verswater Eijlant, Verswaaters Eijland, Verswatereyland, Zo [St. Andries] [St. Angelo] [Tengapatnam, Malabaar, Tengapattanam, Malabaar, Tegenepatnam, Malabaar, Tengepa [Victoria, fort Malabaar] [Vierendepatnam, Wierandepatnam, Warandepatnam] [Vijf Sinnen, fort, Naarden, fort] [Vreede, fort Malabaar] [Wilhelmus, fort Chowghat] [Zeeborg, fort] [Bellepatnam] [Madasera, fort] [Poelezeere] Madras [Madraspatnam] Nellore [Neleur]