Portuguese Bibliographies Portuguese language

Portuguese Language in Asia, Africa, America. Bibliography of Portuguese Colonial History 16th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster.


– Various Authors, “Actas do Congresso sobre a situação da língua portuguesa no Mundo” ? Imprensa National, 1983, Lisboa, Portugal.

– Various Authors “Resquícios de Português na ilha de Flores (Indonésia)”, in: “Boletim de Estudos Crioulos, suplemento de Papia” n°1, 1994 Brasília

– Abdurachman, Paramita Rahayu “Some Portuguese loanwords in the vocabulary of speakers of Ambonese Malay in Christian villages of the Central Moluccas”, 17 pp., LIPI, 1972, Jakarta, Indonesia.

– Asiff, Hussein “Language and lore of the Creole people”, in: “Sunday Observer”, 17 September 2000

– Bartens, Angela “Die iberoromanisch-basierten Kreolsprachen” 345 pp., (Hispano-Americana 8), Peter Lang, 1995, Frankfurt am Main/New York. The following languages are examined: 1. Kabuverdianu, 2. Kriôl, 3. Sãotomense/Forro, 4. Angolar, 5. Principense, 6. Annobonense/Fa d’Ambu, 7. Afrikaans, 8. Indo-Portuguese, 9. Sri Lanka creole Portuguese, 10. Malayo Portuguese (Papia Kristang and the regional Portuguese of East Timor), 11. Chabacano, 12. Macaísta, 13. Brazilian Portuguese, 14. Fronteirizo, 15. Saramakka, 16. Papiamentu, 17. Palenquero, 18. Caribbean Spanish (insular and extra-insular).

– Baxter, Alan “Notes on the Creole Portuguese of Bidau, East Timor” pp. 1 – 38 JPCL (Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages) N° 5/1 (April 1990), John Benjamins Publishing Company This paper discusses a variety of Southeast Asian Creole Portuguese formerly spoken in Bidau, Dili, East Timor. It is found that the language of Bidau is closely related to the creoles of Malacca and Macao.

– Bravo da Costa Rodrigues, Maria de Lourdes “La chronique universitaire. The status of the Portuguese language and some other cultural aspects in Goa” in: “Lusotopie 2000” pp. 597-610

– Burnell, A. C. and Yule, H. “Introduction. Hobson-Jobson: a glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive”, Murray, 1903, London.

– Cahen, M – Couto, D. – Desouza, P. R. – Marrou, L. – Siqueira, A. “Issues of Asian Portuguese-speaking spaces and Lusotopias” in: “Lusotopie 2000” pp. 137-158

– Clancy, Clements “The genesis of a language: the formation and development of Korlai Portuguese” XII, 281 pp. maps, Creole language library vol.16, Benjamins, 1996, Amsterdam and Philadelphia.

– Clancy, Clements “Efeitos dos processos de adoção de uma nova língua e de empréstimo lingüístico na fonologia do português de Korlai” in: “PAPIA Revista de Crioulos de Base Ibérica”, Universidade de Brasília, Volume 3, nº 1, 1994

– Dalgado, S. R. “Estudos sobre os Crioulos Indo-Portugueses” 187 pp. Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses 1998 Lisbon, Portugal. Dialecto Indo-Português de Goa; Dialecto Indo-Português de Damão; Dialecto Indo-Português do Norte; Dialecto Indo-Português de Negapatão; Berço duma cantiga em Indo-Português. The latest edition of the interesting study of Sebastião Rodolfo Delgado on the Creole languages of Goa, Damão, Negapatão and the Northern Province of India.

– Dalgado, Sebastião Rodolfo, “Dialecto Indo-Português de Ceilão”, 301p. (Cadernos Ásia) CNCDP, 1998, Lisboa, Portugal.

– Daus, Ronald “Portuguese Eurasian communities in Southeast Asia” 83 pp. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1989, Singapore. The Portuguese Eurasian communities in Malacca, Tugu, Larantuka and Singapore.

– Goonatilleka, M.H. “A Portuguese Creole in Sri Lanka: A Brief Socio-Linguistic Survey”, in: Sousa, Teotónio R. de (ed.) “Indo-Portuguese History. Old Issues, New Questions (3 th ISIPH )” pp. 147-180 Concept, 1985, New Delhi, India.

– Hettiarachchi, A. S. “Influence of Portuguese on the Singhalese Language”, JCBRAS Vol. IX, 1965, pp. 229-238

– Hull, Geoffrey “Tetum and other languages of East Timor” In: “A course in Tetum-Praça (The Lingua Franca of East Timor)

– Hull, Geoffrey “The Languages of East Timor. Some Basic Facts” Internet article: Academy of East Timor Studies, University of Western Sydney Macarthur, 1999, Australia.

– Hull, Geoffrey “Current language issues in East Timor” Public lecture given at the University of Adelaide, 2000, Australia.

– Jackson, Kenneth David “Sing without a shame: oral traditions in Indo-Portuguese creole verse: with transcription and analysis of a nineteenth-century manuscript of Ceylon Portuguese Creole”, XXVII, 257 pp., Creole Language Library, Benjamins, 1990, Amsterdam and Philadelphia.

– Jackson, Kenneth David “O folclore do Crioulo Português da Índia e do Sri Lanka”, in: “Actas do Congresso sobre a situação da língua portuguesa no Mundo” vol. 1 pp. 339-346, Imprensa Nacional, 1983, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Jackson, Kenneth David “Canta sen vergonya: Portuguese Creole verse in Sri Lanka”, pp. 31 – 48 JPCL (Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages) N° 2/1 (1987), John Benjamins Publishing Company This study analyzes the oral traditions of Sri Lanka Creole Portuguese. The Creole of the Burghers of Batticaloa and Trincomalee and the Kaffirs of Puttalam. This study also presents for the first time a unique source from the H. Nevill collection at the British Library, which is an extensive manuscript of Sri Lankan Creole texts from the 1870s or 1880s written in Dutch orthography and including material subsequently published by Schuchardt, Dalgado and others.

– Köster, Dietrich (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die afrikanischen Staaten portugiesischer Sprache), “Política linguística de Timor-Leste: a reintrodução do português como língua oficial e de ensino”, Estudos de Línguas e Culturas de Timor-Leste/Studies in Languages and Cultures of East Timor, no. 6, 2004, pp. 1-7, Instituto Nacional de Linguística da Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e, Dili, East Timor.

– Lopes, David “A Expansão da Língua Portuguesa no Oriente durante os Séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII”, 265 pp., Portucalense Editora, 1969, Porto, Portugal.

– Lutz, Nancy Melissa “Colonization, decolonization and integration: language policies in East Timor, Indonesia”, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Associacion Chicago, November 20, 1991. 1995 version

– Matos, Luís de, “O português, língua franca no Oriente” In: “Colóquios sobre as províncias do Oriente” Vol. 2, Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, 1968, Lisboa. – pp. 11-23, (Estudos de Ciências Políticas e Sociais; 81)

– Pinharanda Nunes, Mário, “Concepção de tempo e espaço no kristang e no malaio”, in: “PAPIA Revista de Crioulos de Base Ibérica” Universidade de Brasilia, Volume 3, nº 2, 1994

– Rouillé Correia, Ana Cristina “O ensino do Português em Macau”, in: 6º Congresso da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, 8 a 13 de agosto de 1999

– Santa Maria, L. “I prestiti portoghesi nel malese-indonesiano” 130 pp. (Pubblicazione del Seminario di Indianistica I), 1967.

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shihan de, “Indo-Portuguese of Ceylon: a contact language”, 188 pp., Athena Publications, 2001, London, United Kingdom.

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shinhan de, “The Sri Lanka Portuguese Creole, manuscript in the Hugh Nevill collection”, Article in: “Sunday Island” 25-07-1999, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shinhan de, “Sri Lanka Portuguese Creole verses”, Article in: “Sunday Island” 25-07-1999, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shinhan de, “English borrowings in Sri Lanka Portuguese Creole”, Internet article.

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shihan de, “Sri Lanka Portuguese creole: A language in eclipse”, Article in: “The Island”, 16-07-2000, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shihan de “Portuguese in Sri Lanka: influences of substratum languages”, in: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, series 3, 9, part 2, 1999, pp. 251-270

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shihan de, “Portuguese and English translations of some Indo-Portuguese songs in the Hugh Nevill collection”, in: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka, 1995, XL, pp. 1-102

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shihan de, “Indo-Portuguese songs of Sri Lanka: the Hugh Nevill manuscript”, in: Bulletin of the school of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, 1996, LIX, 2, pp. 253-267

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shihan de, “Hugh Nevill collection of Indo-Portuguese verses: Portuguese and English translations of Oersaan and Falentine”, in: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka, 1997, XLII, pp. 107-211

– Silva Jayasuriya, Shihan de, “On the Indo-Portuguese of Ceylon: a translation of a Hugo Schuchardt manuscript”, in: “Portuguese Studies”, University of London, King’s College, 1999, 15, 5269.

– Silva Rego, Padre António da, “Dialecto Português de Malaca e outros escritos, 304 pp. (Cadernos Ásia) CNCDP, 1998, Lisboa, Portugal. Dialecto Português Malaca; A Comunidade Luso-Malaia de Malaca e Singapura; A cultura portuguesa na Malaia e em Singapura. – Smith, Ian R, “Sri Lanka creole Portuguese phonology”, iv, 160 pp. Dravidian Linguistics Association,1978, Trivandrum, India. Also in: “International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics ” n° 7, 1978, pp. 248-401

– Smith, Ian R., “The development of morphosyntax in Sri Lanka Portuguese” ?, —– in: “York Linguistics Studies” series 11, 1984, pp. 291-301

– Smith, Ian R., “Convergence in South Asia a creole example” in: “Lingua” n° 48, 1979, pp. 193-222

– Teixeira, Pe. Manuel “The Influence of Portuguese on the Malay Language”, in: “Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society”, 1962, vol. XXXV (Pt. 1).

– Thananjayarajasingham, S. and Goonatilleka, M., “A Portuguese creole of the Burgher community in Sri Lanka”, in: “Journal of Indian Anthropological Society” 1976, 11 (3) pp. 225-236

– Theban, Laurentiu “Situação e perspectivas do português e dos crioulos de origem portuguesa na Índia e no Sri-Lanka” , in: “Actas do Congresso sobre a situação da língua portuguesa no Mundo” vol. 1 pp. 269-285 Imprensa National, 1985, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Williams, Lea E. “The Portuguese Contribution to the Former Trade Language of the China Coast”, in: Various Authors “Vice-Almirante A. Teixeira da Mota in Memoriam” vol. I, 223-228 pp. Academia da Marinha / IICT, 1988, Lisbon, Portugal.


– Chataigner, Abel “Le créole portugais du Sénégal: observations et textes” ?, in: Journal of African languages Vol. 1,1 1963, pp. 44-71

– Cardoso, Eduardo “O Crioulo da Ilha de São Nicolau de Cabo Verde”, 142 pp., Imprensa Nacional, 1989, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Clemence, J. C. “Rejoinder to Naro’s. “Arguing about Arguin” pp. 119-124 JPCL (Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages) N° 8/1 (1993), John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadelphia.

– Couto, Hildo Honório do. “The genesis of Portuguese creole in Africa”, in: Holm, John & Frank Byrne (eds.).”Atlantic meets Pacific: a global view of pidginization and creolization”, John Benjamins Publishing Company,1993, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 381-389.

– Dalphinis, Morgan, “African language influences in Creoles lexically based on Portuguese, English and French with special reference to Casamance Kriul, Gambian Krio and Saint Lucia Patwa”, 756 pp. PhD. Thesis, University of London, 1981, London, United Kingdom.

– Ferraz, Luís Ivens “The creole of São Tomé”, 122 pp., Separata African Studies, 37, Witwatersrand University Press, 1979, Johannesburg, South Africa.

– Günther, Wilfried “Das portugiesische Kreolisch der Ilha do Príncipe” Selbstverlag, 1973, Marburg an der Lahn.

– Kihm, Alain “Kriyol syntax: the Portuguese-based Creole language of Guinea-Bissau”, VIII, 310 pp. Creole language library n° 14, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1994, Amsterdam and Philadelphia.

– Lorenzino, Gerardo A., “The Angolar Creole Portuguese of São Tomé: its grammar and sociolinguistic history”, 290 pp. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, City University of New York, 1998, This Thesis deals with the genesis and development of the Angolar Creole Portuguese of São Tomé and Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea), off the coast of West Africa. Angolar is the language spoken by descendants of maroon slaves who escaped from Portuguese plantations on São Tomé in the mid-sixteenth century.

– Lucchesi, D. “The article systems of Cape Verde and São Tomé Creole Portuguese: general principles and specific factors” pp. 81 – 108 JPCL (Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages) N° 8/1 (1993), John Benjamins Publishing Company

– Maurer, Philippe “L’angolar. Un créole afro-portugais parlé à São Tomé”, Buske, 1995, Hamburg.

– Moreau, Marie-Louise “Destino de uma sociedade, destino de uma língua. Balizas para a história do crioulo português em Ziguinchor” in: “PAPIA Revista de Crioulos de Base Ibérica”, Universidade de Brasília, Volume 3, nº 1, 1994

– Naro, A. J. “Reply and rejoinder. Arguing about Arguin” pp. 109 – 119 JPCL (Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages) N° 8/1 (1993), John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadelphia

– Peck, Stephen Madry “Tense, aspect and mood in Guinea-Casamance Portuguese Creole”, 476 pp PhD. Thesis, University of California, 1988, Los Angeles, USA.

– Perl, Mathias “Acerca de Alguns Aspectos Históricos do Português Crioulo em África”, in: “Biblos”, vol. LVIII (Segunda Parte da Homenagem a M. Paiva Boleo), 1-12 pp. FLUC, 1983, Coimbra, Portugal.

– Perl, Mathias “A reevaluation of the importance of early Pidgin/Creole Portuguese”, pp. 125 – 130, JPCL (Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages) N° 5/1 (April 1990), John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadelphia.

– Ploae-Hanganu, Mariana “Le créole portugais de l’Afrique: sa base portugaise”, 2 vols. (251, 58 f.) : [10] maps, 1991, Lisbon.

– Valkhoff, M. F., “Studies in Portuguese and Creole, With Special Reference to South Africa”, xi+282 pp., 1966, Johannesburg, South Africa.

– Valkhoff, M. F. “New light on Afrikaans and Malayo-Portuguese” ? Peeters, 1972, Louvain, Belgium.

– Washabaugh, William and Greenfield, Sidney M. “The Portuguese Expansion and the Development of Atlantic Creole Languages” In: “Luso-Brazilian Review” n. 18 (2),1981, 225-238 pp.


– Efraim, Frank Martinus “The Kiss of a Slave: Papiamentu’s West Africa Connections”, Ph.D. thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1996, Reprinted with corrections in Curaçao, 1997. This book contains a linguistic study about the origins of Papiamentu, especially considering its connections with other Creole languages.